Stress Pt 1

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-Evie's POV-
"Mal, you're two dresses are prepared, now which one will you wear first?" I asked Mal, "The blue and yellow one" She replied, "Okay then, Liv? How about you?" I asked Liv, "Pink and White" she replied, "Mads?" I asked their other sister, "Hmmm, green" she replied, "Okay then, triplets are done, wait, Jane? Is the VK themed party right after the cotillion or before?" I asked being stressed, "After, and I know you'll be asking me what color, I choose baby blue" she replied, "Mine's dark pink and Audrey's is light, hope that helps" Lonnie said walking by, "I don't know what to do!" I exclaimed flopping down at my bed, "Hey hey hey, don't be stressed E, we'll help you, I'll ask the boys you go rest, and Liv and Maddie's going to ask about the VK clothes, okay?" Mal said, "Okay" I replied, this is so much stress!

-Jane's POV-
Ben Ben Ben Ben Ben! "Ben! Finally saw you!" I said running up to the young king, "It's done!" I said showing him the gift, "Thanks a lot Jane! See you later, Evie is probably gonna kill me now" he chuckled, "Okay, bye" I replied, "Liv, Maddie, what happened to the both of you?" I asked the twins as I saw them passing by, out of breath, "Oh yeah, Evie texted me, she told me that if I saw you, I should tell you to stop your job because it's done" I said, "Oh okay, thanks Jane" Liv replied, ahhh stress.

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