Chapter 15

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Theseus gave out a large booming laugh and strutted into the apartment. "Harold told me you were staying here-" he said looking around then finally noticing the girls,

"-but he didn't say you had guests..." Theseus flashed his most award winning smile at the sisters, Newt turned red in embarrassment. Newt's brother walked over to Queenie, put his hand on the wall and started flirting.

"Hey, I'm Theseus." He said confidently,

"And I'm Married." Queenie said smirking then walked over to her sister.

Theseus noticed Tina and said to Newt "So is this the famed Ms Goldstein you've been talking about?" Newt blushed and nodded. His brother laughed then shook hands with Tina, "Newties been talking about you ever since he came back from New York," Theseus said laughing at Newt's beet red face.

"Theseus, what are you doing here?" Newt asked crossly, Theseus turned to Newt with his arms crossed. "What? I can't visit my own brother?" he said smugly, "Besides mother heard that you were in town and she wants you to come over for dinner," Newt's face softened at the mention of his mother.

"Well you can tell her I'm fine and doing well with my friends." Newt said looking away from Theseus. "Well they can come as well, I'm sure mother would be happy to know about your girlfriend." He said looking at Tina. Newt blushed some more then sighed,

"okay." He said, Theseus clapped his hands together, "Excellent! I'll let mother know." he said strutting out the door. Turning around, "and it was good to make your acquaintance ladies!" Theseus winked at Tina and Queenie then closed the door.

"So your brother was a war hero?"

Jacob asked Newt as the group walked down the road to Newt's childhood home.

"Yes he served in the past wizarding wars as an Auror and won a bunch of medals for bravery." Newt said leading the group with Tina's arm looped through his. "Ever since then he's been quite a snobby flirt really," he said.

Tina laughed, "I think we saw that side of him," Newt smiled. "Yes my brother has always been popular with everyone, during Hogwarts he did his best to ignore me because I was apparently an "Embarrassment" to the family." he said eyes saddening, "Theseus didn't really care about me, he was mainly concerned of being thought highly of." Tina looked at Newt sadden and squeezed his hand in comfort.

"What about your mother Newt?" Queenie asked, Newt smiled. "Well my mother was a Hippogriff breeder and she was the one I was closest to growing up," he said smiling sweetly.

Finally, the group arrived at the house, it was a large white country house with lots of trees and flowers. Tina could see Hippogriffs flying through the air above the house and Nifflers running through the grass. On the porch waiting was Newt's mother wearing a long sleeve dress and an apron, her hair was in a messy high bun and her orange hair had streaks of grey from old age.

"Newton!" She called rushing over to her younger son and embracing him in a tight hug. Newt let go of Tina to hug his mother then introduced his friends to his mother. "Mother, these are my friends Jacob and Queenie Kowalski, and this is Tina-"

Newt's mother let out a happy squeal as she noticed Tina.

"Oh you're Tina Goldstein!" She said excitedly, "I'm so happy to finally meet you, Newton talks so highly of you and when Theseus told me you were together I was so happy," Newt's mother rambled on and on while Tina smiled and Newt blushed in embarrassment. "-Oh look at me! I'm rambling again! Come in come in!"

The group followed her into the house and was shocked to see such a beautiful inside. "Oh what a wonderful house you have Mrs Scamander!" Queenie gushed, Newt's mother smiled. "Thank you dearie, but please everyone call me Hazel." Just then Newt's father came out from the other room. "I thought I heard voices, Newton are these your friends?"

Newt's father was a stern man, he was broad shouldered and had his grey hair slicked back. He was wearing a plaid shirt and trousers. Tina noticed that he was more serious than his wife or son, but he seemed to love his wife and family so she began to relax a little more. "Yes Henry dear, these are the Kowalski's and miss Goldstein," Hazel said eyes sparkling.

"Goldstein eh?" Newt's father said raising an eyebrow at Tina, "We've heard a lot about you from Newt-" "Alright Father that's enough." Newt said face beet red, Queenie giggled at his embarrassment.

"So Tina, I've heard you are an Auror yourself,"

Theseus Scamander said as everyone began to get settled at the table. "Yes I am, I work at MACUSA." Tina replied while their plates magically filled with delicious food. "If you want, I'd be happy to teach you a few tips," Theseus said swaggerly, Tina patted her mouth with her napkin,

"I think I'll be fine on my own thank you." Newt snorted, Theseus looked irritated.

"This is wonderful food Mrs Scamander," Jacob said swallowing the chicken, Hazel smiled, "oh thank you dear, I heard you run a successful bakery back at New York how's that like?"

Conversation was lively at the table, Tina seemed to get along well with his family and even put Theseus back in his place one or two times. She was talking with his father about law regulations and Jacob and Queenie were having a discussion about childbirth with his mother.

"With Theseus it was an easy birth, he just popped right out. But with Newton it was much more difficult, he just didn't want to come out. OH I was in labor for at least four days before the nurse just pulled him right out of there." Hazel said laughing and moving her hands to mimic the doctor pulling out a baby,

Tina and Henry stopped talking to listen to Hazel's story. "Mother please," Newt said his face on fire. "So Newt, you staying for a while?" Henry said to his youngest son, "We'd love to have you and your friends stay over for their time here." He smiled, Newt looked flabbergasted, "Well I wouldn't want to impose, besides we already got a place to stay." Newt's mother put her hands on her hips, "Nonsense dear it's no trouble at all, besides wouldn't it be nice for Tina to get acquainted with your family?" Hazel said boldly.

Newt looked embarrassed, "Er..alright, if it really is no trouble i guess we could stay here until the Grindelwald situation is taken care of," Hazel smiled, "Wonderful! Now come along I have the guest rooms prepared in case of an occasion such as this!" Newt trudged alongside his friends thinking that he had been somehow set up.

Hey readers!!! So sorry for the delay, I tripped and accidently dropped my computer and killed it : ( (i'm super clumsy) but never fear! The newest chapter of the fanfiction is here!!! (lol that rhymes XD) anywhoo hope u like it, i had great fun writing it and thanks again so much for 1K reads!!!! Omg my mouth literally DROPPED OPEN! You guys are amazing! *hug hug* Buhbye for now! : )


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