Chapter 24

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"Mummy mummy! Look i Occamy!" shouted a two year old Emily running around the yard wearing the green and purple cloak Queenie had given her for her birthday.

Tina laughed and picked her up in her arms, "yes you make a very good Occamy Em." she laughed ruffling her hair as Emily giggled. The door slammed and footsteps could be heard from the hall, Emily whipped head around and squealed, "DADDY!" she shouted rushing towards Newt and jumping into his arms. Newt laughed and hugged her tight, "Emily! What's this you have on?" he asked twirling her around while Tina watched happily.

"I an occamy!" she shouted flapping her arms and running in circles around Newt. He laughed and bent down so that they were eye to eye, "yes you are! And do you know what sounds the Occamy's make?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

Emily clapped and shouted, "CAW CAW! CAW CAW!"

then continued to run around screeching. Newt walked over to Tina and greeted her, "Hello dear," he said innocently and pulled her close for a kiss. The kiss didn't last long, Emily got tired of her parents snogging that she shoved through the middle of them at looked up at their startled faces.

"UP!" She cried gesturing to Newt who bent down to pick her up in his arms, Emily nodded approvingly then pointed to the sky, "Now FLY!" She cried out with a huge smile on her face, Newt couldn't help but laugh as he zoomed his daughter around the yard.

"CAW CAW CAW CAW - daddy you be Occamy too!" she said wagging a finger at Newt, he laughed and joined his daughter in her chanting. Tina raised an eyebrow at the weird motions and noises her husband and daughter were making, "Like father like daughter," she thought chuckling to herself. Emily noticed Tina watching from the side and called to her,

"MUMMY MUMMY! YOU BE OCCAMY TOO!" she cried, Newt laughed and called to his wife as well, "Yes c'mon Tina be Occamy's with us!" he said chortling. Tina looked to see if there was anyone watching before she ran out to her family and began to copy the noises and gestures they were making. After doing this activity for 10 minutes the family plopped on the ground out of exhaustion, Emily still chanting but more forced than before.

"Wow, that was some show," came a voice from the house. Newt and Tina whipped around to see Theseus sitting on the fence sipping a glass of lemonade. Their faces blushed while Emily raced over to her uncle. "UNCLE THESEUS!" She cried out hugging his leg, he chuckled, "hey squirt." he said ruffling her hair.

Newt and Tina got off the ground and headed over to the two of them. "Theseus.. How did you get in?" Newt asked bewildered, "and where did you get that lemonade?!" Theseus just shrugged, "you've kept your house keys in your outdoor plants for as long as I can remember, and I found this in your fridge." he replied coolly sipping some more of the drink. Newt continued to look bewildered until he shook his head and placed a tired hand on his face. He sighed, "Alright c'mon in Theseus you can stay for dinner." Newt said leading his recently dumped brother to the kitchen. "Splendid," he said smiling, he turned to Tina who was carrying Emily. "And can you make some of those delicious potatoes again?"

"Theseus, we need to talk," Newt said to his brother after dinner escorting him home. Theseus laughed, "Whatever do you mean brother?" he asked smiling joyfully, too joyfully in Newt's opinion. "Why did she leave you this time?" Newt pressed, his brother's smile fell. He sighed, "She caught me snogging another witch." he replied dully, looking at his shoes ashamed.

Newt sighed and put his arm around his brother, "You've got to stop doing this Thee, let yourself be happy." he said Theseus sighed, "I don't know what's the matter with me Newt, whatever I do I can't get at least one girl to stay with me for even a month!" he declared sadly.

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