Trevor imagine for Kate_cashh16

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Katlin's POV~

"Whoaaa What do I gotta do to take you home? I need to make a move I'm takin' chances, chances And we'll be dancing, dancing."

I hummed along to the lyrics as I watched, my boyfriend, Trevor, my big brother, Sean, and their band, Over Atlantic, rehearse for their show tonight in Milan.

I looked at Trevor to see him starring at me while singing the lyrics. I instantly started blushing, causing my cheeks to turn red as the song came to its end.

"Great one, lads," Charlie said, looking at the 4 boys surrounding him.

"Baaaaabbbbeeeee," I dragged out the word with a smile, looking at Trevor.

His attention snapped towards me at the sound of his nickname. He placed his guitar down and walked over to the sofa that I was stretched across. He placed both of his hands on either side of my head and leaned over me.

"Yes, beautiful?"

"I think I'm gonna go get food. Do you and the boys want anything?"

"Sure," he said before leaning down and pecking my nose.

"Hey, do you guys want food?" I asked all the boys, raising my voice while looking over Trevor's shoulder as he moved away from in front of me.

"What're you going to get?" Gabe asked as I stood up from the sofa.

"Umm, I don't know. Chick-Fil-A?" I offered, instantly getting murmurs of yes' and sure's. "Okay, Trevor can just text me what all of you want."

"Okay," they all said.

"Drive safe," Trevor said, kissing me.

"Okay. I love you."

"I love you, too."

I left the arena through the back exit and started walking the short distance to the Chick-Fil-A I saw on the way here. I placed one earbud in and played The 1975's Robbers through my phone.

Once I arrived at the little drive thru restaurant, I walked in and waited for the text from Trevor before getting in line. Once I got the text, I was about to step in line when a loud buzzer went off, making everyone in the building jump in shock. What looked like shields came down around the windows, covering them up.

A voice soon came over the speaker: "Customers of Chick-Fil-A, please remain calm! This is not a drill! We are going into lockdown mode due to a break in the area! Please remain calm!"

The lights in the restaurant became red, making difficult to see. I felt my phone buzz in my hand, I looked down to see Sean calling me. I quickly answered him.


"Katlin? Are you okay? We heard that buildings near the arena are going into lockdown mode. Are you okay? Are you safe?"

"Yeah. I'm-I'm okay. The restaurant went into lockdown as well."

"Okay, just stay calm, Katlin, okay?"

"I'll try," I said, my voice shaky.

"Katlin?" a different, but familiar voice said into the phone.


"It's me, baby girl. Listen, you're gonna be okay. Just listen to the sound of my voice."


Trevor started saying anything and everything to me, trying to keep my mind off the lockdown.

After about 20 minutes, the lights when back to normal causing me to close my eyes at the change of lighting. The shields over the windows lifted and 2 of the workers went to unlock the doors.

"I think it's safe," I said into the phone to Trevor. "The lights came back on and they unlocked the doors and everything."

The same voice from earlier came back on the speaker: "Attention, customers! The area is safe. You may go about your day and procedures. Thank you for remaining calm in this situation and have a great and safe day!"

I sighed in relief, "It's over."

I heard Trevor sigh as well.

"Thank God. Katlin, forget the food. I'm on my way to come get you."


"I love you, baby girl."

"I love you, too, baby."

Hope you liked it, Katlin. I'm sorry if it wasn't exactly what you wanted and that it took so long.

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