Trevor imagine for Rieke_Horan

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Rieke's POV~

"I'll miss you, little sis."

I let out a soft chuckle at my brothers words as I hugged him tighter.

"I'll miss you, too, big bro."

Today, my brother, Gabe, and his band, Over Atlantic, we're leaving the UK to go on their tour of the USA and I was going to miss all of them boys.

Especially Trevor.

Over the time since the boys met and became Over Atlantic, I'd gotten very close to Trevor. I I started developing feelings for him and one day a few months ago when the guys were over, Trevor said he couldn't hold it in anymore and expressed his feelings for me. Since then we've been dating.

The only problem with our relationship was that it was secret. We didn't know how Gabe would react to the idea of us being together, so we kept it to ourselves.

After I'd hugged and said my goodbyes to Gabe, Sean, Charlie, and Liam, I pulled Trevor into my arms as he wrapped his around my waist.

"I'm gonna miss you, princess," Trevor whispered in my ear, making sure none of the guys could hear him.

"I'm gonna miss you, too, baby," I said in the same tone.

"I love you, Rieke."

"I love you, too, Trevor."

I slightly pulled my head back and kissed his cheek before we pulled out of the hug. I knew the guys wouldn't say anything about the cheek kiss as I'd done it multiple times before because Trevor was my "best friend".

"We'll be back soon, Rieke," Gabe said as they all picked up their bags.

"Okay. I'll be here when y'all get back," I said, locking eyes with Trevor before they all made their way to their plane.

*3 months later*

I looked down at my phone, checking the time for, what must've been, the 100th time in the last 30 minutes. 11:14AM. The boys plane lands at 11:20AM.

'Just a few more minutes', I told myself. 'Just a few more minutes and I'll be able to have Trevor in my arms after months apart.' I smiled at the thought of Trevor. 'But you have to keep it lowkey, Rieke. Gabe or the others can't find out.'


I was ripped from my thoughts at the sound of my name. I whipped my head in the direction of the voice and saw Trevor, causing my face to light up with joy. I jumped up from my spot and ran into Trevor's arms.

I felt Trevor pull out of the hug, causing me to look at him. But as soon as I did, I felt his lips against mine. I instantly kissed back, but then realized that the others were right there.

I pulled from the kiss and looked into Trevor's eyes. "Trevor. The guys."

We looked towards the boys too see all of them with the same expressions, except Gabe. But his expression wasn't anything like angry or pissed. It was more...amused.

"Gabe... I'm sorry I didn't tell you," I said looking at my big brother before looking away, not really wanting to make eye contact.

"You didn't have to tell me," Gabe finally spoke up while laughing causing me to look at him as if he were crazy.


"Yeah. I kinda figured you two were together. You always made goo goo eyes at each other, thinking I didn't notice," he said with a chuckle. "And, Sean, Liam, you owe me and Charlie $5!"

"Wait, you guys made a bet?!" Trevor asked with a laugh.

"Yep," Charlie answered with a smile. "Gabe and I figured that you two were dating and Sean and Liam thought you were only best friends. So we made a bet."

"Oh my gosh," I said as we all laughed at the situation.

"I think I'm the only one that really won here," Trevor smirked before leaning down and kissing me.

"Okay! I don't want to see any of that!!"

hope you liked it, Rieke!! 💛

sorry i've been gone guys!
i've got school and i feel like this book is going to crap. i've been thinking about ending it. idk.

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