Charlie Jones imagine

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(a/n: bc i haven't had ANY Charlie imagines requested!!)

Y/N's POV~

Today was just another ordinary day with my best friends, the OA boys, at my house. We were all watching a movie when I decided to get up to get a drink from the kitchen.

Charlie's POV~

"Dude, now's your chance! Go ask her," Liam said once Y/N was out of earshot.

Y/M has been my crush for years now and I finally got the guts to ask her out on a date, but I never knew when. Or how.

"Okay," I said getting up off the sofa and walking into the kitchen to see Y/N leaning against the counter on her phone. "Hey," I said causing her to look up at me.

Y/N's POV~

Once I'd gotten a drink, I'd gotten a text from my best friend, Y/BFF/N, and started replying when someone walked into the kitchen.

"Hey," they said, causing me to jump a bit and look up to see Charlie standing in front of me.

"Hey," I replied putting my phone in my pocket.

"Y/N, c-can I ask you something?" he asked nervously.

"Sure," I said nodding. "What's up?"

"So, um, there's this movie coming out on Friday and, um, I was wondering if you wanted to, um, go with me?" he asked getting more and more nervous towards the end of his sentence.

I giggled, "I would love too, Charlie," I said still smiling. I had a huge crush on Charlie, so knowing that we were going to the movies together made me happy.

*skip to Friday night*

Y/N's POV~

It was currently 4pm and Charlie said he'd be here at 6pm. I took a quick 20 minute shower, got out, blow dried and straightened my long Y/H/C hair. Once I was done, I walked over to my closet and grabbed a casual outfit for the movies.

(picture above).

I walked back into the bathroom and did a little bit of makeup. After I finished everything, there was a knock on the front door. I opened it to see a nicely dressed Charlie standing there.

(picture above).

"Hey!" I smiled at him.

"Hey! Are you ready?" he asked, hands in his pockets.

"Yea, let's go," I said grabbing my phone and keys and locking up the house. We walked to the car and Charlie opened the passenger door for me.

"Thank you," I giggled at his cuteness, climbing into the passenger seat.

"You're welcome," he giggled, shutting the door once I was in.

He ran over to his side, climbed in, started the car and drove off to the cinema. We got to the cinema, went to get our tickets and headed over to the concession stand. We ordered popcorn and 2 sodas, "That will be $15.38," the lady behind the counter said.

As I was about to grab my money, Charlie stopped me. "I got it," he said handing her the money.

"I could've paid for half," I joked.

"Well this is a date. And since I'm the one that asked you out, I'm paying," he smiled down at me.

I just chuckled at his comment. We got our stuff, walked over to the theater and sat down just as the movie was starting.

During the movie, Charlie made a fake yawn and I felt him place his arm over my shoulder. 

I just giggled, "Classy, Jones," I whispered causing him to blush.

After the movie ended and we were walking out, I couldn't stop giggling at Levi's move.

"That was cute. Your little move in there," I giggled as he laced our fingers fingers together with a big smile on his face. I looked down at our hands and tightened my grip.

Once we got back to my house, Charlie walked me up to my door.

"I had a really great time tonight, Charlie," I said turning to face him.

"I'm glad you did. I really did too," he said smiling before looking down at our still laced fingers. "I hope we can do this again sometime."

"Me too," I smiled.

He lightly lifted my chin with his thumb and index finger to look him in the eyes. Soon, we found ourselves leaning in and kissing. I pulled away after awhile and bit my lip, looking into his crystal blue eyes.

"I'll see you later," I grinned.

"Yeah, I'll see ya," he said still smiling.

I walked into my house, shut the door and leaned against it as I heard Charlie's car drive away. That night I went to bed happy and with a smile on my face.

seriously, tho!! WHERE ALL MY CHARLIE GIRLS AT?!?!👀💗

i've mainly been seeing Sean and Trevor girls!!!

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