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Helly's POV~

3 months. 3 months since Sean and Over Atlantic left for their American tour and 3 months since I found out I was pregnant. I never told Sean about the baby because I was scared he would be mad at me and leave.

The day I was going to tell him was the day he was leaving, but he was basically rushed on to the the plane so I couldn't.

The only person that knew was Gabe; he had found the test a few days after I took it. I made him promise not to tell Sean, or the others in case they let it slip. And as far as I know, he hasn't told anyone.

The boys were coming home next month and I obviously need to tell Sean. Because, one, he deserves to know that I'm pregnant with his baby and, two, I'm already showing.

My phone dinged, pulling me from my thoughts, with a text from Sean.

"Skype??" I read off the screen

"Okay," I replied.

I sat down on the bed, covering my stomach with a blanket so Sean couldn't see it, turning my laptop on and went to Skype. I called Sean and his face popped up on the screen causing me to smile.

"Hey, beautiful," he smiled wide, waving at the camera.

"Hey, babe," I waved with a smile.

"How are you doing?" he asked.

"I'm good. How's tour going?"

"It's good. We're in Texas right now," he replied.

"Hey, Helly," Gabe yelled, jumping on to Sean's bed, into the camera view.

"Hey, Gabe," I said, smiling.

"So, how'd Sean take the news," Gabe asked with excitement.

Right then, my smile was replaced with a death glare towards Gabe.

Damn it, Gabe!!!

"Wait... what news?" Sean asked with curiosity, looking from Gabe to the laptop at me. Gabe went wide-eyed with realization.

"Ohhhhh, you haven't told him yet, have you?" Gabe asked, looking at me.

"No," I said through gritted teeth. "I was gonna tell him when you guys got back, but I guess I'm telling him now."

"What news? What are you two talking about?"Sean asked, still confused out of his mind.

"Ummmmm, well, Helly will tell you that one. Bye," Gabe exclaimed before running away.

Sean looked back at the camera after hearing the door shut. "Babe, what aren't you telling me?"

I sighed. "Um, well, afew days before you guys left for tour, I... I found out I was pregnant," I said looking at him with scared look, thinking the worst to come.

"You've been pregnant for 3 months and you didn't tell me?" he asked with tears.

I nodded with tears in my eyes. "I'm so sorry, Sean. I was scared you were gonna be mad, okay? I was going to tell you the day you were leaving, but you were in such a rush that I couldn't."

"Helly, Helly, I'm not mad, okay, love? I'm happy. I'm actually really happy, I'm gonna be a dad," he said with the biggest smile I've ever seen on him.

"It is my baby. Right?" he asked with a weird look and smirk.

"Yes," I laughed. "It is yours."

"Oh my god! Helly, I'm so happy," he said, wiping his tears with a smile.

"Me too," I said looking down at my baby bump.

"Are you showing yet," he asked.

I nodded, "Yea, a little." I moved the blanket off me so he could see a little.

"Sean, c'mon! We have got go," Charlie yelled from off camera.

"Okay," Sean yelled in the direction of Charlie before looking back at the camera.

"I've gotta go, beautiful. I'll see you when I get home. I love you and the baby," he said smiling.

"Okay, bye. We love you, too," I smiled.

"Bye," he said before ending the call.

I closed my laptop with a smile. I looked down at my baby bump, rubbing it, smiling at it even more.

hope you liked it, Helly. i'm sorry if it's not what you had in mind💗

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