About Wisps of Yesterday

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Chapter Twelve

So I was wondering if I should change things up from my planned plot line....I did. *queue witch cackle*...

Bruce- or rather Batman, (but the demarcations between the two are a bit blurry sometimes) notices Damian struggling. After neutralizing the droid he was fighting he staggers and stops entirely, placing a hand on his temple.

"Robin! Focus!" he yells throwing a batarang at a droid who was charging towards the teenager.

The lack of comeback kind of scares him, but he doesn't really have time to think about it because another robot is trying to kill him. And then they're mostly down, there should be just one more-

And Damian screams.

He runs towards the droid and tears its mechanical head off just as it takes its knife like hand out of Damian's chest. "ROBIN!" He yells, putting pressure on the wound while Damian lies on the floor, his gaze isn't focused and Bruce can tell he's blacking out. He can't LET him black out because Bruce is afraid that if he does he'll never wake up again.

(And this feeling? He's really getting too old for it now.)

He barely has time to do anything else before there's an all too familiar swirling violet portal opens and Raven all but stumbled out. She's wearing a tank top and pajama bottoms and her black hair is messy and she basically pushes BATMAN out of the way with more strength than she seemed to have before taking Damian and gently laying his head on her lap. Her hands move to the wound in his chest and Bruce is about to protest. He's about to demand that she get away from him so that they can get help but then he remembers that 'healing' is listed under Ravens special abilities and so he stays quiet. But his mind is reeling and he doesn't catch a word of whatever she's saying because he's watching another son on the verge of death AGAIN.

And Damian's body jolts and he chokes in air though he remains unconscious. There's unscarred skin where only minutes ago there had been a stab wound.

"He'll be okay," Raven breaths before promptly collapsing and he catches her because she just saved his sons life. Damian comes to a minute or two later. He groans, "What happened?" he asked his voice dazed and confused. And then his eyes land on his unconscious team mate and he's instantly alert, reaching forward to take her into his arms. Bruce saw the worry that flashed across his face, even if it only lasted for a few panicked seconds before he put on that artfully blank expression he wears when he wants to hide. Bruce stands up, Damian following suite, carrying Raven bridal style in his arms.

"You were stabbed and she healed you. Though even I'm confused on how she knew to come here now." He says the last part questioningly.

But Damian ignores the inquiry and starts walking in the direction of the Bat mobile. "We have to get her to the cave, healing near death wounds take a strain on her body. We must tend to her." With that he turns and starts walking again.

And Bruce doesn't bother arguing because he's smart enough to know he'll lose that argument should he try.


Raven spends most of her time at the bat cave asleep and hooked up to a drip. Damian spends most of this time by her side. And Bruce has asked him a multiple times if he knew how she knew that Damian was on the verge of death and needed her help. And Damian usually finds away to redirect the conversation, but eventually he ends up saying "Sometimes we use mental links on missions, she happened to reach out to me on our way over to the compound and she never closed the link." And that's all he says and Alfred suggests that Bruce not test Damian's cooperativeness.

When Raven wakes up, Bruce is upstairs (thank god). "Beloved?" he asks softly, because he's not sure he should touch their mental link in case it triggers a reaction like earlier. "Damian? What happened?" She asks sitting up, scrubbing her hand over her face. "The last thing I remember is- Oh my god are you alright?!" her eyes are wide with panic and he takes her shoulders and pushes her back down. "I'm fine, thanks to you," And she relaxes, the tension leaving her body. She falls asleep again a few minutes later.

The next morning they manage to avoid batman and Damian drives them back to Jump City. (They really need to install a Zeta beam at the tower; it'll be useful and wouldn't strain Ravens powers so much) It's a Sunday and it's 'early' so everyone's still asleep. They grab some tea in the kitchen before heading to Ravens room and it's not until their inside that they talk about it.

"What's happening to the link?" Damian asks. And Raven gives him a small smile. "It's evolving," He nods and waits for her to continue. "...remember I'd mentioned in my note book, that I'd eventually get my 'soul mark' or its equivalent?" Damian remembers, a younger Ravens writing, her explanation on how your soul mate was supposed to be the other half of your soul. And how magical beings had ways of identifying who their soul mate was in this life. Dreams or markings or something like that. He remembers her writing that it happened at different times for different people but usually at either the ages of thirteen, sixteen, eighteen, twenty-one or thirty four (For some odd reason.)"Yesterday was my birthday, my eighteenth birthday." And his eyes widen just a fraction when he gets what she means. She's smiling, happy and content. Their bond maybe wonky but he can still feel her emotions; he can still feel her excitement. (Or maybe it's his, because though he'll love her regardless but there's something about being able to call her HIS soul mate.) "May I see?"

She nods and shifts turning to sit so that she's facing away from him. She takes off her borrowed sweater so she's left in just a black skinny. The back is low cut, dipping a bit between her shoulder blades. "Left shoulder blade," she says and he hesitantly moves to pull her sleeve out of the way, revealing the pale skin of her back. And there, right where she's said it was in all too familiar sharp and elegant writing was his name.

Damian Wayne

And his fingers move over the letters because there's something amazing about the mark. He feels some primal possessiveness when he sees it, a sort of satisfaction at having it written on her skin that she's HIS. He presses his lips to her shoulder and he surprises her by giving out a choked moan. She pulls away, blushing furiously. "Better not do that....Soul marks are...sensitive," And in a split second he's smirking and she throws a pillow at him before pulling her sleeve back up. She then curls her arms around his neck and falls back into her pillows, dragging him down with her. (Needless to say he goes willingly.)

"You never finished explaining about the bond," he says wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing her forehead. "It's just shifting, getting stronger. It'll happen again when you get your soul mark. We'll have to find our footing again." She says before pressing a kiss to his lips.

She kisses him chaste. Gentle and for barely a second. It's a faint ghosting of her soft lips over his. On his cheek, forehead and neck. And she looks into his eyes, her gaze holding a forever promise which he returns in kind when he takes her hand and kisses her palm, her nose and her forehead. This type of kiss is the kind that makes them both feel safe, like they have forever to be in love. And she loves this, seeing this gentle side of him. (Because no one else see's this, it's only her. It's only her that gets to see and understand every part of him.) She moves her hands to tangle in his hair, tugging slightly.

"Relearning to control the bond will take a lot of work...." She sighs, dragging his face back to hers to kiss him again. Longer this time. He tastes like mint, green tea and something that's just him and can't be described any other way. "....Shouldn't we get to the bond thing?" he asks noncommittally when they part for air. "Uhh...not right now. Besides now that I think about it I don't think you'll have much of a problem." She says. "Oh?" he raises a dark eyebrow and she thinks that he's gorgeous. She gives him a peck on the cheek and grins. "You're a quick study, now shut up and kiss me."

(He obviously does.)

....LOL just maybe not in the way any of you thought cuz this want the chapter I fucked with:D Votes and comments feed my soul!

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