A Way of Life is Chasing Daydreams

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And Raven finds Damian sitting cross legged on her bed when she steps inside her room two days later. "What are you doing in my room?" She demands, because not only had he startled the living day lights out of her, but he shouldn't be here. "Shouldn't you be asking HOW I got in?" he replies, not shifting from his place on her bed. She crosses her hands over her chest and leans against the wall. "You're a detective, I'd think cracking codes was right down your alley" "True," he concedes, getting up and taking coming to stand in front of her in three quick strides. "Or maybe I just stood in front of your door for a few minutes and just knew the code to your room," And her heart skips a beat at what that implies, but no, surely he doesn't mean that. "Like I said, right down your alley." She retorts. And in her head she's trying to come up with a way to get him to leave because she just can't deal with this, not now. But no, the sonovabitch doesn't look like he'll be moving anytime soon, instead he just comes closer, so close that she's backed up against the wall. His eyes burn with concentration, his soul focus is on her. And Raven knows, knows firsthand what being the sole focus of Damian Wayne's attention is like. It's exhilarating and dangerous and sends shivers up her spine. It makes her feel like he can see right through her, like he knows every single thought and emotion that crosses her mind, even the ones that she herself doesn't register or understand. But it also makes (made?) her feel powerful, because Damian had been brought up to be aware of everything. To divide his attention on multiple things, he was used to being aware of his surroundings and everything else. It was basically his nature. So being able to make him go against that natural instinct of focusing on everything at once and only focusing on her- It's all so familiar and she really wants to give into the tug to just pull him down into a kiss.

"Why don't you?" He asks, his voice nearly a whisper. And Ravens eyes widen and she feels like the air has been knocked right out of her lungs. Because- "H...How did you know that?" Because she knows he knew what she was thinking, because she knows the look Damian gets when he knows something. But the thing is, HOW did he know? He couldn't have....

"The same way I know the code to your room, and that you secretly watch that annoying Sunday morning cartoon about Pegasus's and that you like green and vanilla." His eyes burn with concentration, like he's chasing after fleeting memories and trying to hold onto them. "The same way I know that you're keeping something from me." And she stares at him because she's speechless. Because she honestly didn't think he's remember on his own. It's silent but it's somehow loud at the same time, she looks down when she feels him take her hand in his. Hesitant at first but then more sure, like it's something he's done a thousand times before. "I don't know how I know these things, but I know that you do. I know that something happened a month ago when your father escaped again, and that things have been strange since then. Raven, please tell me what it is,"

She doesn't say or do anything for a few minutes; she's almost scared to believe that this is happening. Because she'd put this off for a month because she'd been afraid that Damian wouldn't remember her. She'd been afraid to take that step, but here he was doing it for her. Compensating for what she couldn't do, just like she did, DOES for him. She nods. And she tells him. She tells him how her father escaped, using a bond they had shared to possess Damians body, how to free him Raven had had to break that bond, and how as a result Damian had forgotten them. And she doesn't need to tell him what they were, because she feels that he already knows. This isn't though his mind but through the way he holds her hand.

He listens, asking a question here and there but mostly silent. And calm and she wonders about that because he doesn't see too freaked out, more curious and like it made sense. Like something you suspected in the back of your mind, which is just being confirmed. And with each second she dares to hope more because this means that their relationship hasn't been entirely erased from his mind after all. After she's finished, he finally asks, "So... Can you bring my memories back?" "I'm not sure. It seems like you're memories have just been misplaced or broken in your head, if that's the case...then yes, I can. But there might be some that are unsalvageable. And while I can bring your memories back...the bond will take time." He raises her hands to his lips and kisses her knuckles (something he's always done and the familiarity of it warms her heart.)

"We'll do it together,"

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