The World's not Round, its Square

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An hour or so later, the silver haired boy, Tye had threatened his way to his friend, Niki's side and had stayed there holding his hand ever since. He doesn't answer any of Dicks questions, (which he really needs answers to if he's to keep himself sane because this could not be happening) And despite the boys sheer uncooperativeness Dick can't really do anything to make him talk. So he leaves them in Kori's care and goes back to the scans he took from them.

And staring at the data on the screen he feels like tearing his hair out. He hasn't told Kori yet, anyone yet. He will, but right now he just needs to process this because HOW was this possible? Time travel? Well considering Tye's DNA tests that seems to be a very likely answer; but that doesn't explain the anomaly that is the red haired speedster.

He's so focused on the screen that he doesn't even notice Damian sneaking up on him. "Are those our guests scans?" he asks. And Dick jumps in his seat, whirling around to face the Red Robin. Damian smirks, "You're getting old Grayson," he teases. Dick just glares because while he'd normally throw an insult back he just can't right now. Damian notices his mood. "What's wrong?" He asks, walking over. Dick rubs his eyes tiredly and sighs, still in some state of shock. "What's wrong is that he's impossible," Damian isn't looking at him; instead his eyes scan the screen. "His DNA matches yours...and Wallace West's," But they both know that can't be right. Because fine, if you take time travel there'll probably, no definitely be technology to allow male pregnancy or something of the sort in the future. But Wally West was dead. He had died years ago and Dick had never really forgiven himself for letting that happen. Dick is drawn out of these thoughts by Damians sharp intake of breath. The others hands grip the edge of the consol as he stares at the screen. And then Dick realizes that fuck, he just gave his little brother a 'the world is actually a square and it turns out to be true' moment too. Because according to the data on that screen, the silver haired boy in the infirmary was the son of Damian Wayne and Raven Roth.


Raven knows, the minute she senses Tye, that he's her son. But also that he's not because his presence doesn't quite fit in with this world. And she feels ten times more awful than she's been feeling anyway when she's around him. She doesn't mean emotionally, (though that's there too because Tye seems wonderful and she feels like it's the universe taunting her.) But no, she feels physically worse when she's around him and Tye seems to feel the same if not as badly.

Those of the team who aren't on assignment except for Nightwing and Red Robin are present in the infirmary as Kori begins questioning the two boys. They're simple questions at first, names (though neither of them offer their surnames.) and ages and where and more importantly WHEN they're from. Which is strange to everyone except Kori until they get that 'OH! They're from the future.' "Not the future exactly," Niki says, rubbing his head. "Things here are...different," their eyes linger on Kori. "I'm not too sure what happened, but I'm thinking that maybe the speed force messed with the boom tube- Tye you sure your okay?" He asks, laying a hand on the others shoulder. Tye shakes his head. "Yeah it's just- the bonds here are....wait. I don't exist...but oh my god Niki it's like those movies where you're not supposed to make contact with your past-urgh," he clutches his head and Raven does too. There's a loud vibrating, almost screeching. "I...need to go," she says, flying out of the room as the door opens and Nightwing and Damian step in.

Damian watches her go and feels the strange urge to follow but resists.

And Ravens not in the tower, but Kori seems to know where she is and refuses to disclose the information. That's fine; it's not any of Damians business anyway (though he feels like it is.)

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