And Promises of tommorow

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Chapter Thirteen

(A/N so I realize my 'I'll update tomorrow' became... Ugh... I'm not even sure. But like I'm posting this from the phone which is why the italics and stuff is not there so just remember '....' is for mental conversations. )

So anyway, after about three years, saying that absolutely NO ONE knew about their relationship wouldn't have been completely accurate. Because they'd told Kori once it had become clear that they were not to be trusted taking level headed decisions when it came to each other, Jinx knew because she was one of Ravens best friends, Alfred LOOKS at Damian like he KNOWS( and Damian suspects the man HAS known since the moment he'd laid eyes on Damian and Raven standing next to each other.), Roy Harper knew (Because he's caught the two of them making out after a shared mission) (Damian has blackmailed him to silence- using what Raven isn't sure she wants to know.) and they suspect Conner knows though he hasn't said anything. (Damian refuses to accept that there might be others- it's not like he'd MIND but more than five people would be an insult to his pride on being able to keep a secret.)

But someone that he definitely hadn't expected knew. And that someone was Timothy Drake.

It's Tim's birthday, and Alfred, like he does for everyone else in the Wayne family's birthday, insists on throwing a party. It just so happens that Tim and Steph get engaged around this time and thus the birthday party becomes a birthday/engagement party. There are actually two, one which includes all the big wigs in Gotham (Who would be quite distressed if there hadn't been a party and offended if they hadn't been invited.) and then there would be one a day later just for family. Damian preferred the latter but unfortunately he would have to wait another day for that because right now he was stuck in a room full of rich people with fancy cloths and so many diamonds that it could blind you god forbid they catch the light.

'Alfred confiscated mine and everyone else's phones in hopes of making us socialize more.'

They did socialize usually, but practically all of them had a habit of texting behind their back (Except Damian of course because the person he wants to talk to is basically in his head.) But anyway, Tim, Cassie and Dick are guilty of being on the phone and throwing Stephanie, Barbra and Damian to the wolves and they complain constantly so as a result all phones (and other electrical devices had been confiscated.) (Damian's had been taken mostly because it would be unfair if it hadn't been.)

And no, 'Alfred we're ADULTS!' does not work.

'Go socialize Damian,'

'I am beloved,'

He grins as she mentally snorts. 'Yeah, with me. That doesn't count.'

'It counts more than anything,'

Because it does. Since his mother left him with his father Damian has grown to respect and care about many people. He has come to be part of a family and he'd give his life for any one of them. But for Raven, for Raven he'd cross the universe.

For Raven he'd tear the world apart.

For Raven he'd do anything.

And it used to scare him, still scares the hell out of him. But he's realized it's only a weakness if he lets it be. Because while Raven Rachel Roth is his greatest compromise, but she is also his greatest strength. Before she can say anything in reply, Damian feels someone come up next to him. Tim joins the youngest member of the Wayne family in his place leaning against the marble balcony railing. He doesn't say anything for the first two minutes so Damian ignores him and continues his earlier conversation.

Ravens insecurities don't make sense to him, because he just can't accept them. He tries his best to understand and sometimes he does but he can't empathize. The best he can do is keep telling her how wrong she is, how she's beautiful and how he and a lot of other people love her. How she is not her father and how she's his angel. This is what he can do so he gladly does it.

And Tim watches. To most people Damian's face is blank, but to a Robin, to sons of Batman, there are micro expressions which don't go unnoticed. Damian is very hard to read, but no one is always unreadable. "Talking to your girlfriend?" And Damian goes still. It's only for about two seconds which is impressive, because Tim knows for a fact that the brat thought that NO one knew. Damian doesn't bother denying it, because he honestly has no reason to. "How did you know?" he asks. Tim lets out a laugh and turns to look at the younger boy. "Sometimes it's hard to say when people are in love, it's an emotion of vulnerability so people tend to hide it. You don't. Well, not since last Christmas anyway. So taking into account that little Dami-wami was in love," Drake smirks, and continues in his casual non chaulount tone. "It wasn't that hard to connect the dots." And Damian now looks at his older adoptive brother, green eyes shining with defiance. "Do you have a problem with it?" And Tim then realizes that Damian's misinterpreted his teasing, which in its own way is kind of adorable. So he smiles warmly and says honestly. "Of course not kid, I'm happy for you."

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