(1) Leaving

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A/N: YES I have started editing PITA  AGAIN and based on how the edited chapters turn out I am also changing the titles of the chapters. I am changing the story up a bit as I edit, and I might add in new chapters! I will update you guys if I change anything major - so hopefully you won't end up missing anything big. I really apologize for some of the carrot moments (I'm trying to tone them down a bit) but I did start writing this in 2011/early 2012 so forgive me okay. They were in style back then. They stop before chapter 20, so you WILL survive.
Also, I absolutely HATE that I named the main character after myself. It makes me cringe so hard. BUT I am too lazy to go through and change it so bear with me.
If you're still here, thanks a ton for reading.
KD x

     I heard a yell behind me: that voice I loved so much, but could never put a face to. I looked to my bare feet, my white dress swirling with the wind around my knees. I glanced over my shoulder and whispered, "I love you."

     I grinned and kicked off the sandy edge of the cliff. The wind whistled through my ears, and I could hear his faint "No!" echoing across the canyon. I sucked in more of the clean desert air, and felt an instant rush. I laughed as the ground approached, and my free fall became faster. I rolled myself, so I could look up. The sky was clear, no clouds for miles. It shone a bright blue, similar to that of an unbroken ocean.

     I saw him looking down as I fell, and became painfully aware of his cries. Suddenly I was facing the ground again. I knew I didn't want to do this.

     I didn't want to die. Not then. Just as I was about to hit the ground, I heard him scream my name one last time.


     "KATE, wake up!"

     I bolted up in my bed, breathless, and the words left my mouth, "I'M DEAD!" My chest was burning as I gasped for air, and I felt an arm find its way around my shoulders.

     "Kate, relax! You're right here, in bed." I recognized my mom's voice immediately. I could feel her weight on the mattress and forced my eyes to focus on her face. "Did you jump again?"

      My breaths were still a bit ragged, but I nodded. "Yeah."

     After moments of her reassuring me that it was just a dream, I asked the also recurring question, "Why do I have to have it every night?" I groaned as I fell backwards, letting my head hit the pillow.

     "I don't know sweetie," She sat quiet for a moment before perking up. "but you better get up! Today is the day you move in with your brother!" She grinned before prancing out of my room, leaving me to myself.

     I was 19 years old, closing in on 20, born on August 29, 1993. I'd lived with my mom and my twin brother, Liam, until about three years ago when my brother auditioned for the X-Factor a second time. He made it, and during the competition he was put in a band with four other boys: Niall Horan, Zayn Malik, Louis Tomlinson, and Harry Styles. The five were named 'One Direction' and became an instant hit with the teenagers. They went all the way to finish in third place, and afterwards became the most successful group produced that season. I didn't watch most of their performances despite Liam begging me to every night, but from what I did see, and heard about at school, they were pretty good. 

     You don't have to take my word for it though! The band has already put out two full albums and gone on tour. Things were pretty crazy for awhile, while I was living at home taking classes at a local university, my brother was out performing live every other night. But the boys had just finished a tour, and were in the process of planning their next. Which is where I come in. I was all set to move in with the band for the next few months, while they relaxed at home between tours. By the time they leave for the next one, I should be finished with my athletic training degree and all set to accompany them on the road.

     My mom was right though, today was the day I was finally leaving my childhood home to move in with Liam. I'd been waiting for this since the day he'd left. I got out of bed to check my phone, two new messages. One from Liam, and one from my friend Jessica. As I headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth, I opened the text from Jessica, 'Kaitlyn Anne! Call me when you leave! I'll miss you! Oh, & tell that hot brother of yours I said hey ;)' I smiled, shaking my head as I closed her message. Once my toothbrush was in my mouth, I used my free hand to open Liam's text, 'Hey! How've you been? Can't wait to see you today! You'll get to meet Harry(he's driving me) Text me when you get on the train xx' Excitement about the move flared in my stomach, along with some slight nervousness about finally meeting Liam's bandmates. 

     After I finished brushing my teeth and threw my toothbrush into my backpack, I got dressed. I ended up in the only set of clothes I hadn't packed yet: some dark jeans and a white t-shirt, followed by one of Liam's old Jack Wills hoodies. It was red and smelled like he used to. I breathed in his old scent, a combination of something woodsy and sweat, easily remembering the day he offered it to me as he left our home. 

     I twisted my hair into a french braid as I walked downstairs. "Mom, let's go!"

     "Okay!" Honestly, I hadn't expected her to actually be ready to leave. So, before we left, I jogged back upstairs for my phone, also grabbing my backpack.

     When I finally made it to the car Mom floored it, and within eight minutes we were at the train station. "Have fun, sweetie! Tell your brother I said hi!"

     "I will, ma!" I struggled out of the car with my luggage and as soon as she was sure I was out, she drove off and left me there by myself. How lovely of you, mother, you shouldn't have. I sighed as I boarded the train. After finding my seat, I unintentionally faded into semi consciousness. I had the same dream, but somebody woke me before I had a chance to jump.

     "Excuse me, ma'am." The man's expression seemed sincere with an apology. "Ticket?" I showed him my ticket, and he moved on.

     I pulled out my phone, remembering to text Liam, 'Hey! Jess says hi. (she definitely has a crush on you) How are you? Haha, I can't wait either! I'm on the train now! Harry sounds nice I guess. See you soon x' Then I texted Jessica back, 'On the train, call me? & hey, that's my BROTHER'

     Sure enough, she called. I answered on the third ring, still trying to shake the fog of sleep from my head. "Hey, Jess!"

     "You can't hog your brother all to yourself!"

     I laughed, "He is the only man I will ever love!"

     She giggled, "I thought you couldn't stand guys that were afraid of spoons!"

     "That's any guy, besides him!"

     "Dream on, you know you hate it!"

     "Yeah, well I'm still in the habit of eating with forks anyways. He's already ruined my life!" More giggles came from her end, and my smile widened.

     Our conversation continued, and I didn't realize how long we'd been talking until I felt the train coming to a stop, "Hey, Jess, I'll call you later. I've gotta go." She squealed her goodbye and hung-up. Gathering my bags, I prepared to greet my brother.

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