Chapter 21

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I was alive. I was alive and Jasen was kissing me. And I was kissing him. Wait, why would he kiss me? I thought he was with Jessica. Jasen pulled away and smiled down at me. "I'm so glad you're alive," he said, "I love you Emily. I don't know what I would do without you." "You'd probably be kissing Jessica," I said with anger. "Actually Jessica just did that to make you cry," a familiar voice said in the doorway. I look over to see who it was. It was Kylie holding a bouquet of flowers. 'Why would Kylie be here?' I thought. "Jessica tricked me into helping her send those horrible texts to you," she said, "she said that since you were going to be spending so much time with Jasen that you would become popular and forget about me. She said that if I help her send those texts she would make me popular." I could see tears forming in her eyes. "I'm so sorry Emily. None of those things I said in those texts weren't true," she said, walking towards me stopping right next to me, "will you ever forgive me?" I looked up at her. Her eyes were full of worry and tears. I could feel tears forming in my eyes too. So I reached up and hugged her. I heard her laugh in relief and squeezed me. She let go and put the flowers on the table next to the hospital bed. I looked up at Jasen. "So you're not with Jessica?" I ask tears falling down my face. He knelt down by my hospital bed and wiped away a few tears from my face. "I hate Jessica and I've always have. The only person I'll ever want is you Emily," he said with that hot crooked grin. Something melted inside of me. Man, I loved Jasen Stone. I stared into his handsome, chocolate eyes and smiled. I grabbed his shirt and pulled him close. I pushed my lips onto his. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer. The kiss was magical. Its was hard but soft, slow but fast, warm and absolutely delicious. I heard Kylie and Ben leave and close the door behind them. I slide my hands up his, around his neck, and into his gorgeous chestnut brown hair. Jasen wrapped his hands around my waist and held me tight, like I was something precious. He pulled away enough to rest our foreheads. "Can I ask you a question?" I say in a low voice. "Anything," he said. "Why did you pick me? You could've had Jessica or any other girl in the world, why me?" I ask. "Because you are unique, you make me laugh, and you are beautiful, inside and out. You stole my heart when you waved goodbye to me in the park," He said with admiration. I smiled and kissed him again and again.


A few days later the nurse said I was ready to go home. "Do not try anything like this again," The nurse said with concern, "If it's something at home or at school talk to a trusted adult." She walked out of the room and my friends walk in. Jasen rolls a wheelchair over to me. "I don't need a wheelchair," I said with a laugh. "The doctor said you had to," Kylie said. Jasen walked over to me and picked me up, cradling me in his arms. He gently set me down in the wheelchair. "How long was I in the hospital?" I ask Kylie. "About 3 weeks," Kylie said. "That means my last basketball game is in 4 days," I say and turn to Jasen, "will you help me practice?" "Of course," He said with a smile, "And my basketball game ends right before yours so I can come and watch you." I smiled up at him, he was the greatest boyfriend ever. "Wait, I don't want to go back home. My parents are abusive and I can't stand living there anymore," I say. "You can come live with me," Jasen said with a grin, "We can be roomies." "Jasen Wood! That was so inappropriate," I say with a laugh. "I was serious Emily," He says with a sly smile. "Well I might just have to accept your offer," I say with a grin, "After all I owe you for not believing you about Jessica." His face brightened and he say excitedly, "Really?!" "Yes really you goofball. I need to go home and get my stuff. But I'm going to need some bodyguards from my dad. Are you and Ben up for it?" I say to Jasen.


Jasen, Ben, and I walk in the front door. My dad was on the couch, drinking of course. He stands up and walks toward me. Jasen and Ben stand in front of me as a shield. "I'm sorry sir but I can't let you hurt my girlfriend anymore," Jasen says to my father," She doesn't feel safe here anymore, so she is going to move in with me." "Fine, one less problem to worry about," My dad says as he walks into the kitchen. I cringe and start walking up the stairs. Jasen and Ben followed me like my own personal bodyguards. I grab a duffle bag from the hall closet and go into my room. Ben and Jasen grab some boxes from the hallway and follow me in. We pack up all of my stuff and walk back to his car. While Jasen loaded my stuff in the trunk I notice Kylie sitting in the back seat looking very sad and lonely. I turn to Ben and ask him, "Do you have a crush on Kylie?" He blushes and looks at me and says, "Ya, why?" "Because I see the way she looks at you and I know that she really likes you. You should make a move," I say as I climb into the passenger seat. He smiles at me and sits down next to Kylie. He laces his fingers through hers and she looks over at him in surprise. She grins at him and smiles the rest of the car ride. 

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