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'Hi...' Wilmer says as Demi climbs into the passenger seat and leans back to place her handbag in the backseat.

'Hey. You didn't have to pick me up, you know. I am perfectly capable of driving myself to the hospital.' She replies fastening her seatbelt.

'I know you are; I just- I thought if we arrived together it would look better, stop more rumours from starting.' He says glancing over at her.

'Rumours? They're hardly rumours when they're the truth, Wilmer.' She replies causing him to sigh.

'I just thought this would make things easier for you.' He says and she laughs slightly.

'You didn't think about making things easier for me when you sprung the divorce on me.' She snaps.

'Can we just drop that for now? Surely the baby should be our priority now.' He says and she glances down at her stomach.

'This baby will always be my priority, how dare you suggest otherwise.' She says causing him to sigh.

'Demi, I- Forget it.' He mumbles. He begins the drive to the hospital and steals occasional glances over at her as she stares out the window.

'We need to talk at some point, Demi... We can't bring child into this environment where you hate me. I know I hurt you but I really didn't mean to.' He says placing his hand on top of hers.

'I don't hate you; I wish more than anything that I did because that would make this a whole lot easier for me but I don't.' She replies quietly as she pulls her hand away.

'I do love you, nena.' He says and she shakes her head.

'Don't say that. You want to make things easier for me? Don't tell me you love me when you're the one choosing to divorce me. Don't call me nena and please don't touch me. Sitting here with you knowing that we won't be going home together, that I can't just kiss and hug you whenever I want kills me so please don't make this any harder by trying to act like we're still a couple. I don't give a fuck if more rumours start I just need you to keep your distance.' She replies glancing up at him. Her eyes are brimming with unshed tears and he can see the pain hidden behind them.

'Okay.' He says.


'So your last scan was in Dallas, wasn't it?' Dr Robbins asks as Demi sits down on the edge of the bed.

'Yeah; it was an emergency scan because I started bleeding quite heavily.' Demi explains and the doctor nods her head.

'Right well lets have a look at baby. If you'd just lie back and raise your shirt slightly.' Dr Robbins says. Demi does as The doctor said and glances over at Wilmer before sighing.

'Is this your first baby?' Dr Robbins asks and Demi nods her head.

'It's not our first pregnancy but it's our first baby.' Demi replies as Dr Robbins begins the scan.

'Okay. So from your notes from Dallas I'd say you're around 12 weeks now, is that correct?' She asks and Demi nods her head.

'Yeah I think so.' Demi replies. She focuses on Dr Robbins' face as a small smile appears on the blonde and she turns the screen to face the couple.

'There's your baby... Everything looks absolutely fine to me; there's the head and a little foot down here.' Dr Robbins says and Demi smiles.

'Everything's okay?' Demi asks.

'Everything is fine; would you like to hear the heartbeat' Dr Robbins asks and Demi nods her head.

'Please.' She replies smiling. Tears stream down Demi's cheeks as Dr Robbins flicks a switch and a steady thudding sound fills the room.

'That's amazing.' Demi says softly and Dr Robbins nods her head.

'Best sound in the world.' Dr Robbins replies.


'Do you want to go get lunch or something?' Wilmer asks as they make their way back towards the car.

'Nope.' Demi replies.

'Okay... Would you like me to take you back home or is there somewhere else you'd like me to drop you?' He asks as they get in the car.

'Home is fine.' She replies.

'Is this what it's going be like; complete silence when we're today? We can't even be civil?' He asks.

'I need time, Wilmer. You can't just expect everything to be fine between us because it's not fine; I'm not fine.' She replies shaking her head.

'I'm sorry.' He says quietly. Glancing down at her phone she begins to compose a new text.

To mom :
Scan went well. Baby looked absolutely amazing and we got to hear the heartbeat xx

'If you really want to announce our separation then I'll do it; just send me whatever you come up with and I'll post it as well but I don't want to announce the pregnancy any time soon.' Demi says quietly.

'We don't have to announce anything just yet.' He replies and she nods her head.

'I'm going to Bora Bora next week; Nick's going to watch the dogs is that okay with you?' She asks and he nods his head.

'Of course.' He replies.


Making her way inside the house Demi sighs as she closes the front door and finally lets go of the tears she's been holding in. Wrapping her arms around her stomach she leans against the wall and begins to sob.

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