Mizuki: The Moon Princess ( a naruto fanfic)

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First Name: Mizuki

Last Name: Wakahisa

Age:12 at the beginning and 13 at the end

Hair Color: white but turns black on the full moon

Eye Color: yellow but turns purple on the full moon

Favorate Color: black with red,blue. or purple.

Appearance: waist length white hair ( and black too) with bright yellow eyes.Height is 147.5 cm so she's a bit taller than naruto.Wears short kimono dresses as ninja clothes and her eyes can turn emotionless when mad , when she remembers her past, or she she needs to during a mission.

Personality: she's kind to anyone but that doesn't mean that she is weak.When she is mad her hair has a bit of black in it. She loves to sing and often sings to let people know that she's there or just for fun.She is calm,caring and smart but she's violent and turns emotionless when someone insults her or her friends and clan.Mizuki can get out of any situation when she thinks really hard and is seroius about the situation.






Takahiro Wakahisa;father(deceased) Age:38, Inner animal: lion

Misaki Wakahisa; mother(deceased)Age:36, Inner animal:t tiger

Kyosuke Wakahisa;older brother(deceased)Age:16, Inner animal: dragon

Past: Her clan the Wakahisa clan isn't a normal clan because each person has an animal attrubute in them like lion,cat,dog,lizard,dragon, and even wolf. Her clan was a peaceful clan and never caused any issues and often helped other people but even with that they were feared because of their strength especially the royal family.The royal family was made up of 4 people; Takahiro Wakahisa who was the cheif, Misaki Wakahisa who was the wife and mother of Kyosuke Wakahisa the oldest and Mizuki Wakahisa.Mizuki lived a happy life but it wasn't easy becasue of the training she had to do since she's a royal. Her father was a strict but caring man and smiled when no one was around to see him smiling with his family. Her mother was the sweetest and kindest woman you would've met and she would always help others from the clan while Kyosuke would always train younger children to become ninjas. Mizuki would play with children of her age and would teach them about flowers,herbs, ninjas, and animals since she was very intellegent for her age.Mizuki became stronger and train with her inner animal the wolf.But there was one secret that only the clan knew that it was about the royal family and swore not to tell. It was that they're not human but angel and demon.Takahiro and Misaki was banned for their loved and was brought to this world to be never going back home. They didn't mind that much since they have a family and clan but if the secret was out then everyone would be out for they're power. Now the peace they have was enough for them but that didn' last long. When Mizuki was 3 she was a highly trained ninja and knew the responsibilities of being the cheif's daughter and went to the forest to meditate. After a few hours she heard screamimg coming from her clan's direction but by the time she made it she saw blood and bodies everywhere. She ran home but only to see her parents killed, so she looked around for her brother. She found him outside on the floor with the enemy above him but before the enemy left she saw red clouds. As soon as the enemy disapeared she went to her brother only to find him dead and right there the clan's kekkei genkai; Tsukimo at its first stage and second stage; a cresent moon and a quarter moon. She gave everyone a memorial and later packed all of the scrolls and secrets with clothes and left her home but not before putting a strong seal to hide her clan's home. After a week and a half she was lost in he forest and didn't know where she was so she sang a song thinking she was going to die( this song isn't mine so it goes to the righful owners). After singing she fainted but not before seeing spiky silver hair.She woke up in a hospital bed and saw an old man standing right next to her.She soon learned that he was the Hokage and he just told her that her clan was murdered. The Hokage later came again but with a man with black hair and a fan on the back of his shirt. (im trying so hard not to give so much information >.<) She stays with the uchiha and becomes really close to Sasuke and Itachi but when she was 5 training at the training grounds and suddenly gets captured. She faints but later wakes up in a forest with rouge ninjas around her but then a man came and saved her from them. Since she has no family the man decides to raise her to become the strongest ninja. They stayed together until she was 12 when the man was gone but she knew he would be back so she wasn't worried. She decides to go back to Konoha and to become an actual ninja.

Birthday: May 15

Kekkei Genkai: Tsukimo ( just to let you know that it's blue and the moons are black until the last stage where it's red)

1st stage: copies other jutsus( cresent moon)

2nd stage: Casts genjutsu when someone looks into their eyes( a quater moon)

3rd stage: Can make illusions( genjutsu) real. An example is if she want a katana she just needs to cast a genjutsu and then put a small of blood on it and it becomes a real katana.( a Half moon)

4th stage: can contol the elements without handsigns(3/4 moon)

5th stage:this stage is only for the royal family and it allows them to change into their demon or angel form or both at the same time.( a red full moon)

Natural Affinities: Fire,lightening, and wind.

Also the photo is Mizuki just try to see her younger

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