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I can't believe Reggie would lie to me like that

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I can't believe Reggie would lie to me like that. He's never done anything like that before. He's always been honest and even if he wasn't, it was never something this big. And the fact that he knew Jason was in the playbook and he still lied to me. I haven't even talked to him since our fight in the hallway. Whenever we fight its always over something stupid and we make up within a few hours. But this... I don't know how I'll be able to forgive him. 

"What do you think, Bevy?" Kevin suddenly asks. Betty, Veronica, Jughead, Kevin and I are at Pop's and Jug has been going off about the drive-in being shut down and I kind of tuned him out a long time ago. I have no idea what Kevin is even asking me about. 

"Uh...yeah, totally." I took a sip of my chocolate milkshake.

"You have no idea what we're talking about do you, Beverly." Veronica stated.  

I gave a meek smile. "Honestly? No." I drop my head. 

"Reggie?" Betty asks even though she know full well that's whats distracting me.  

I simply nod. All of a sudden Veronica gets up and walks over to Cheryl and her shadows. Her Mom is waitress-ing their table. Cheryl is most likely giving her a hard time.

"Well maybe coming to the drive-in's closing will get your mind off of it." Jughead suggests. 

"I highly doubt that." 

 Veronica sits back down with a triumphant smile on her face. Suddenly the bell on the door rings and Archie, Mr.Andrews and Grundy walk in together. 

"Now that is an odd combo of people." Kevin says and I nod in agreement. 

Betty excuses herself and Jughead tries to stop her. 

"Wait, what's happening?" Kevin asks. 

"Yeah, what's going on?" Something shady is going on here. 

Archie and Betty walk outside. Looking through the window they seem to be having an intense conversation. 

"What's happening out there? Do we know? Is it about me?"  Veronica spews out questions. 

"I have a strong inkling and no." Jughead makes a face at her that I can't help but giggle under my breath. "Also, I'd let it go." 

"Yes, but you're you, and I'm me." Veronica sasses. "You do you, girl, I'll be back." And she sashes her way out of the diner. 

Jughead and Kevin both look at me. I drop my head back and let out a groan. "Fine, I'll go get her."  I stomp my way out of the diner after her. 

When I step outside the first thing I hear is Archie. "We are together." The fuck? I didn't know he liked someone let alone in a relationship. 

"Look, I know it sounds bad-" 

Veronica cuts him off. "Bad? It sounds scandalous." 

"It sounds like jail time to me. Illegal!" Betty shouts. 

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