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My head pops up when I hear Reggie's bedroom door open

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My head pops up when I hear Reggie's bedroom door open. I walk out of the guest room and down the hall to his room. I lean against the door frame and knock on his open door softly.

"Hey." I say and shove my hands in my back pockets. "How was the debate?"

"You'd know if you went." He says coldly and I drop my eyes. He sighs, "You can't stay locked inside forever."

"What am I supposed to do? Cheryl is missing and I have no idea where she is, she hasn't answered any of my calls or texts." I shrug.

"You're not gonna find her in my guest bedroom." He sits down on his bed and motions me over. I sit down next to him and start playing with my hands. "I know that you're scared. You think every corner you turn she's gonna be there but I promise I won't let her hurt you. You got that?" I nod. "Good. So you're going to school tomorrow." I open my mouth to protest but he stops me. "That wasn't a question."

"Fine." I sigh. "But, really, how was the debate?"

"Pretty good, I think Josie and I have a pretty good shot at winning this." He smiles.

"Right. You and...Josie."

"It's getting kinda late, we should probably go to bed." He says.

I nod, "Yeah, I'll see you in the morning." I say. I go in to kiss him but he stops me. "You can't seriously still be mad at me."

"I'm not mad at you." He snaps. "I'm hurt. I feel like I'm your second choice."

"But you're not. I picked you. And I could have gone to him when I found out that my Uncle was the one responsible for my parents death, but I didn't. I could have gone to him the other night, but I didn't. I came to you, because I need you. If you can't see that then what's the point? I give up." I stand up and walk out of his room and go back to the guest room. As soon as the door closes behind me tears start to fall.



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I head toward the classroom where the Serpents have their meetings so I can talk to Toni. I hope she can help me find Cheryl. Just as I go grab the handle, the door swings open and Serpents start to file out.

idfc  /// reggie mantleWhere stories live. Discover now