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"Veronica, are you trying to manage me right now?" Jughead asks her and I roll my eyes

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"Veronica, are you trying to manage me right now?" Jughead asks her and I roll my eyes. Veronica and Jughead have been arguing all day about this whole Pickens' situation.

"Define manage." She counters.

"People are gonna lose their homes." Jughead says trying to get her to understand his side of things.

"Jughead, why don't you come over with your Dad and sit down with my Dad, and hash this out like civilized humans, face to face?" She suggests.

Jughead thinks for a moment, "Okay, one condition. Your Dad comes to Sunnyside Trailer Park. I want him to see the people he's gonna be displacing."

"Fine. And trust me, no one is getting displaced." Veronica tries to assure him.

I love Veronica but I just don't understand how she can't see what her family is doing to the Serpents. I feel like people hear the word and forget that the people attached to it are human beings with lives and families. I stand with Jughead on this one.

Kevin rushes into the student lounge frantically, "Oh my God, did you guys hear? My Dad's scanner is blowing up. The police found another dead body this morning, there's blood everywhere."

"Are you serious?" I ask in disbelief.

"Could the Black Hood have risen from the dead?" Jughead suggests.

"Did they say whose body?" Archie asks.

"Where did they find it?" Betty asks. Something is off with her today. She looks sick.

"The investigation is ongoing but apparently, it was a gruesome, gangland style execution at the motel, with blood and brains splattered all over the duvet-" My face scrunches up in disgust.

Archie cuts him off, "Okay, Kev we get it."

"I gotta go." Betty shoots up out of her seat and out the door.

The group of us look at each other slightly confused and hoping the others have an answer but no one does so we let it slide.

"Hey, Kev, can I talk to you about something?" I ask him and he nods. I lead him out into the hallway away from everyone so we can have a bit of privacy. "So after Betty, Jughead and I found Pickens' head we went back to the Whyte Wyrm to confront Tall Boy and after all that went down, I talked to Sweet Pea."

"You did? What happened? Are you guys getting back together?" He ask frantically.

"Well, he told me he loves me." I say.

His eyes go wide, "Are you serious? He said 'I love you'?"

"Not in those words, but yes. I mean he also said that he wishes he didn't but still. Kev, what am I supposed to do? Everything just keeps getting more and more complicated." I groan.

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