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"It was to be the grandest funeral in Riverdale history

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"It was to be the grandest funeral in Riverdale history. Instead he was buried like a pauper." Aunt P said really to no one in particular. When I came home last night the house was full of officers and paper work. Cheryl had explained to me that Betty had called her and that Uncle Clifford had killed himself in the maple barn. Cheryl and I shared her bed and needless to say we didn't get much sleep. 

Aunt P stepped past Cheryl and I, "Why are you crying? You hated him." 

"Don't say that, Mommy." Cheryl chokes out and I grab her hand to try and give her some support. 

"We've always been cursed ever since the original murder when brother killed brother. Who will the Grim Reaper take next? You? Me? Maybe your father had the right idea. Just ending it. Better the sweet hereafter than this awful limbo." Aunt P says and walks out of the barn. 

Cheryl and I eventually go back to the house and to our rooms after spending a few more minutes in the barn in our own grieving silence. I'm trying to keep myself distracted by writing in my notebook but it isn't working. 

Someone knocks on my door. "Come in." I call. 

Cheryl walks in and sets a pair of red heels on my desk. "These are the shoes I let you barrow for the dance at the beginning of the year. I wan't you to have them." 

"These are your favorite shoes, Cheryl." I point out. 

"Yes, and I want you to have them." She grabs my hand and pulls me to my bed. "Through this whole thing you have been amazing to me. Trying to help me in anyway possible, even when you were hurting just as much. I want you to have these as a thank you." 

"Are you sure, Cher?" 

"Yes, I want you to have them." She leans forward and kisses my forehead. "I love you." 

"I love you, too, Cher." I hug her and she holds on really tight. "Oh, what time is it." 

She checks her phone, "Almost four thirty, why?" 

"Perfect, if I get ready now I can catch Reggie as soon as he gets home from practice." I stand up and start going through my closest. 

"Oh, Reggie?" She teases.

"Don't. I haven't seen him in over twenty four hours and I'm getting antsy." I pull out a dress and show it to Cheryl and she shakes her head. 

"Well, just make sure to use protection." She says as she walks out of my room. 

I turn and see the shoes on my desk and get an idea. 


I see Reggie's black camaro in the drive-way. I pull my coat tighter around myself and walk up to the door. 

I lift my hand up and knock on the door. "One second!" He yells from upstairs. 

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