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"It was full on Carrie

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"It was full on Carrie. Midge covered in Moose's blood, screaming like a banshee. It was insane." Kevin told us how he found Midge and Moose last night at Lover's Lane. Moose had been shot a bunch of times and Midge was covered in his blood. 

Archie walks into the student lounge and sits down. "Kev, what were you even doing there? You could have been shot too." 

"Yeah, what were you doing?" I ask.

"I was night jogging, as one does and suddenly I hear gun shots." Kevin says. I don't think I believe him though, he seems shady.

"Can we agree that there is a killer on the loose?" 

"With terrible aim." Jughead jokes. 

"Jug, he murdered Ms.Grundy." Archie says. 

"Arch, we don't know that these three crimes are related." Betty tells him. 

"Guys, can we focus on what matters here? Midge and Moose are alive. Archie's Dad survived. The Matchlerette is starting tonight. You're coming over to watch." Veronica say. 

"Matchlerette? Oh the terrible dating show?" I ask in disgust. That show is terrible. Why would anyone sign up for a show were you and like twenty other people date the same person. 

"There is a shooter terrorizing the town. You really want us to watch a gross dating show?" Jughead's tone matches mine. 

"What I really want is for guys to meet my Dad officially. Back in New York my Dad was always in his study, doing bad things, as it turns out. I'm tired of closed doors. I need to know my Dad's life and he needs to know mine." Veronica says sadly. 

"We'll be there, V." Betty says. 

"Wouldn't miss it, babe." I tell her.

Reggie and some of the Bulldogs walk into the student lounge. "Andrews, were going to the hospital to see Moose. You, coming?" 

"Yeah, for sure." Archie stands and kisses Veronica goodbye. 

"You guys don't mind if I come too? I think Midge would appreciate having another girl there." I ask and Reggie waves me over. 


Moose lays in his hospital bed, hooked up to beeping machines. "If I wasn't such a slab of meat Midge might have been hit." 

"You save her life, bro." Archie tells him. 

"Seriously Moose, what you did was really brave." I smile at him. 

Reggie sits down next to Moose with his pudding cup in hand, "Are your nurses hot? Because what if you pop a boner during a sponge bath." 

My face scrunches up in disgust and I smack Reggie on the back of his head. "Why do you keep doing that?" 

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