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"Someone planted the gun, Jason's murder weapon, in a closet in FP's trailer

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"Someone planted the gun, Jason's murder weapon, in a closet in FP's trailer. It wasn't there when we searched for it. He's being framed, Betty." Archie says. 

"Well, maybe you missed it." Betty offers. 

"We're not talking about the Vogue closet here, B." Veronica states. 

"Well, maybe you looked in the wrong one." Betty continues to give excuses. I feel like I should be saying these things instead of her. 

"Its a trailer with literally one closet. There was no lock box, no gun. Whatever Sheriff Keller is saying he found, it wasn't there." Veronica tell her. 

"Look, we need to tell Jughead his Dad is innocent. Where is Jughead?" Archie asks when he realizes no one knows where Jughead went after the dance. 

"I don't know. I tried calling him, I left him messages, he's not answering his phone." Betty sighs.

"In the meantime?" Veronica asks. 

"Should we talk to Sheriff Keller?" Betty asks. 

"No! Not until we tell our parents." Archie says. 

"What that we broke into FP's trailer?" 

"My Dad will know what to do." 

"Look I would love to help you guys but I should probably get home before my family freaks out." I say and the nod their heads before leaving. 

The car ride back to Thornhill is silent. All I can do is try to think of any possible reason FP would want to kill Jason but I can't think of anything. I mean it seems so easy to blame him because he's a Serpent and Jason was getting drugs from them but I think the Serpents wouldn't risk this big of a police investigation over some drugs. 

Reggie reaches over and grabs my hand. "What are you thinking about?" 

"It has taken so long to find Jason's killer and I feel like I should feel relieved that someone is behind bars but I just have this horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach that something is wrong. I just don't buy that FP did this." Reggie squeezes my hand to comfort me. 

"What if he did do it, Bev?" 

"I don't know, Reg." 


The next morning at breakfast was eerily silent. Aunt P had the paper sitting on the table with FP's mugshot front and center. All I could do was stare at it. 

Polly walked into the dining room. "Polly the most incredible thing happened." Aunt P picks the paper up and brings it to Polly. 

She reads it for a moment, "He killed Jason? Not-" She cuts herself off and sits down. 

Uncle Clifford leaned forward towards Polly. "I went to the station. I looked our son's killer in the eye. Finally we'll have peace." 

"Jason, will have peace." Aunt P says. "And we can start all over. All of us." 

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