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I wake up to the feeling of nails gently gliding up and down my back

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I wake up to the feeling of nails gently gliding up and down my back. I snuggle myself into the warm torso under me and sigh. 

"I know you're awake." Reggie says and I can hear his smile. 

"No, I'm not." I mumble. 

"We gotta get ready for school." He says. 

"No." I whine. 

"Yes." He mimics my tone. I wrap myself around him tighter and he sighs. 

"You know I'm stronger than you." He say and sits up bringing me up with him. 

I release my grip in a huff, "Fine." He shakes his head at me before kissing me quickly. He walks into his bathroom and starts brushing his teeth. "You know, you're parents are going to figure out eventually that I haven't been sleeping in the guest room." I say as I pull his shirt from last night over my head. 

"They haven't yet." He says with his toothbrush still in his mouth. 

I walk over to his bathroom and lean against the door frame. "Doesn't mean they won't. What if  they do find out and they kick me out?" 

He rinses his mouth out before walking over to me. "We'll cross that bridge if we get there. Don't worry. " He presses a kiss to my forehead. "I'll meet you downstairs for breakfast in a few, okay?" 

"'Kay." I say. 


By the time I get downstairs Reggie is already eating at the kitchen island while his parents are drinking coffee. No one is talking to each other. 

I sit down next to Reggie and he slides me a plate of food. Just as I'm about to start eating Mr.Mantle's voice fills the room. "So, Beverly, not that we don't love having you around, we do. We were wondering how long you we're gonna be here?" 

"Uh, I don't know." I drop my head and start to play with my food. 

"If you don't mind me asking. why exactly aren't you at home in the first place?" He asks. 

"Dad-" Reggie starts but I grab his hand. 

"It's okay, Reg." I can't really tell them that I think my Aunt tried to kill me so I come up with something else, "Well, my Aunt found out that I'm bisexual and she freaked out and kicked me out."  I can see Reggie's Dad start to shift uncomfortably. "If you guys need me to leave, I can find somewhere-"

"No." Mrs.Mantle cuts me off. "Bev, Sweetheart, you can stay as long as you need. You're like a daughter to us, we want you here." She says and wraps her arms around my shoulders. "Just as long as you promise to stop sneaking into Reggie's room at night." 

My cheeks heat up and I drop my head into my hands. "I'm so sorry, I promise it won't happen again." 

"And that means no sneaking into the guest room, Reginald." She says to him. 

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