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I walk into the student lounge with Betty and Archie and sit down next to Kevin, who wraps his arm around my shoulder and I nuzzle into his side

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I walk into the student lounge with Betty and Archie and sit down next to Kevin, who wraps his arm around my shoulder and I nuzzle into his side. I called him last night and cried to him over the phone for hours. I tried to call Reggie multiple times but he won't answer. I don't blame him though, I wouldn't want to talk to me either.

Archie sits down next to Veronica who is talking about clubbing with someone. "Who is this now?" 

"Oh, Archiekins don't be jelly, it's just a ghost from my bad girl past, Nick St. Clair, breezing into town for the open house. You have nothing to worry about." Veronica assures him before turning her attention to me. "How are you doing, Bevy?" 

I glare at Kevin. "Sorry." 

"You people are terrible secret keepers." I say and turn to Veronica. "I'll be okay."

"Have you talked to him?" Betty asks.

I sit up and sigh. "I've tried. I've texted and called and doesn't answer. He walked straight past me in the hall earlier and completely ignored me." 

"Do you still want to be with him?" Veronica asks. 

"Of course I do. It was a stupid fight and I was angry. I didn't mean it." I struggle to hold back tears. 

Kevin hugs me and rubs my arm. "Don't worry. I'm sure  he'll talk to you soon and you'll get back together in no time." 

"I hope you're right." I lean my head on his shoulder. I look at the door on the other side of the room and see Reggie walk by. We make eye contact for a brief moment before he turns back to his friends. 

It felt like my heart broke all over again in that moment. 


I walk into the Whyte Wyrm and it's more packed than usual. It's like every Serpent there is, is here tonight. 

"Bev, what are you doing here?" Jughead walks up to me with Toni. I notice his hand is wrapped up. 

"What happened to your hand?" 

"Initiation. Every new recruit has to grab a knife out of the snake tank." I hear Sweet Pea walk up behind me.

I roll my eyes and ignore him. "You joined The Serpents?" 

"Yeah." He says meekly. 

"I'm not judging, Just surprised." 

"Is this gonna become like a regular thing with you, Princess, because if so I think I need to find a new place hang out." Sweet Pea remarks. 

"For your information, Tall Boy called me. He told me had something for me. So you should cherish this moment as it will probably the last time I will ever grace you with my presence." I say with a sickeningly sweet smile. He just rolls his eyes and scowls at me. 

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