England x Reader (My Poor Baby)

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Your POV

You were sitting on a bench outside of the building that the current World Conference was held in. You were waiting for your boyfriend of one and a half years, Arthur, or as he was called around here, England. He didn't ask you to come wait for him, but you did anyways. You wanted to make sure nothing happened like what happened last time.

~ Flashback ~

You were sitting on the couch in your house, watching TV. You and Arthur didn't live together because you both thought you should wait for longer. You were staring intently at the screen until you heard a nocking at your door. Turning off the TV, you went up to the door and looked through the little peep hole to see America, or Alfred.

Confused, you pulled open the door to see Alfred, as you expected, and he was carrying Arthur with one arm, which you did not expect. You couldn't see Arthur's face as he seemed to be asleep and his head was facing the ground.

"Is he okay?" You asked Alfred worriedly, staring at Arthur. What happened to him? Did he get into an accident? Oh please don't let it be that!

"Oh no! Nothing like that, dudette! He's just drunk!" He exclaimed that everlasting smile on his face. You sighed in relief. Before you could say anything, your boyfriend spoke up.

"H-heyyyyyy *hic* I'm not *hic* druuuunk...." he slurred his words as his head lifted to look at yours.

"Oh yes you are..." You sighed.

~ End of Flashback ~

Yeah. That night wasn't very pleasant and you had no intent on letting that happen again. You were reading a book as you heard a plethora of different accents from the entrance of the building.

You closed the book after marking your place and turned to look at the doors of the building. You watched as many different people walked out, recognizing all of them. Italy, Germany, Japan, China, Russia, Spain, Romano, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Iceland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Ukraine, Belarus, and the lost goes on. You knew all of them and they all knew you.

A few of them waved upon noticing you and you waved back. Then, your favorite, troubling, foursome walked out, making lots of noise. Well, all making noise but Canada. It was Canada, America, France, and most importantly, England. You stood up from your spot and hurried over to them.

Upon meeting them you have each of them a hug. You made sure to give Canada a big hug because you knew not many people noticed him so he didn't get hugs like this often. Although, you have England a bigger hug. You adored the man after all, and he adored you.

"My love! What are you doing here?" He asked. Although something about it was a bit off. He sounded... weak? Was that it?

"I wanted to see you guys, and I also wanted to make sure nothing happened like the last World Conference." You replied, pulling back from the hug, but still holding one of his hands. America started laughing really loudly, remembering that he had to carry England to your house. Canada and France looked at you three in confusion. "It's nothing you two have to worried about. If your done talking, may we take our leave?" You asked them respectfully. Hey, you didn't want France to hate England and you. He just hates England.

"Yep! I'll be off! Bye dudes! Bye dudette!" He finished winking at you, making you blush.

"DON'T YOU EVER DO THAT AGAIN, AMERICA!" England yelled in anger after him, as he pulled you closer to his side. England was sometimes possessive, but you didn't mind. "Lets go, love." He said sighing. You both turned around and walked to his car. Thankfully, this conference was in Britain so you two could just drive home while everyone else flew home.

Just before you two reached his car, you felt his grip on your hand weaken, causing you to look over to him. Before you could notice anything different about him, he passed out and started to fall towards you. Luckily, your instincts were fast enough for you to reach out and grab him so he didn't fall on you or the ground. You held him for a few seconds, trying to think of something to do. You decided against going to the hospital because this has happened before and each time you would take him to the hospital he was fine. You slowly carried him over to the car, grabbing the keys from his pocket, before unlocking the car and laying him down across the back seats. You drove carefully, not wanting for him to flop forward and hurt something.

~ Time Skip To When You Get To His House ~

Once you parked the car in the driveway you got out and went to the back doors to carry England out. You took some time to notice the state he was in. His skin was pale, but his cheeks were red, his eyes had bags under them, and his hair was a mess. He must be sick.

You took him inside the house and took off his tuxedo jacket and shoes to leave him in a dress shirt and dress pants, and carefully lay him down on his couch. You kneeled down in front of his sleeping form and brushed you hand across his cheek while moving some of his blonde hair out of his eyes. His cheek felt really cold, but when you felt his forehead he was burning up. Definitely sick. Once you pulled your hand away, he started shivering even though it was plenty warm in his house.

You stood up from your place on the floor and walked to his room, where you pulled some blankets and a pillow out of his closet. You returned to your place and put the blankets on top of his body and his shivering calmed. You smiled at your accomplishment and gently lifted his head, placing he pillow under it. You could have brought him to his room, but the couch was in the center of his house so it was easier to access things if you needed them.

You continued caring for him by getting a small towel from the kitchen and soaking it in cold water, hoping that it would help his temperature go down. You twisted the towel to get some not needed water out and then proceeded to place it on his burning forehead. Even though it was sad to see your love in this helpless state, it was nice to have some quiet in your life. After a few minutes of watching him rest as you brushed your hand through his hair, you decided to cook some dinner as a pass time.

England's POV

My eyes slowly opened to see the familiar ceiling of my own house. How did I get here? I wondered as I was suddenly aware of the fact that my body was covered in blankets, even though I was on the couch. There was also some foreign object on my head. I reached up a weak hand and felt that the thing was a cold towel. Confused, I took it off and held it in my hand as I sat up, the blankets that were once on my chest falling off. I immediately was thrown into a coughing fit from this sudden action.

I felt a hand on my shoulder as the coughing stopped. I looked up to see (y/n) looking at me with a worried look in her beautiful (e/c) eyes. I try to smile at her, but my body wouldn't let me smile very wide. "I'm alright love, there's no need for you to worry!" I say, my voice slightly hoarse because of my coughing.

"But you're not alright." She responded, a frown speeding across her face. I hate that frown. That frown always makes me angry because someone so amazing as (y/n) doesn't deserve to be sad. "You passed out after the meeting and you were burning up." She said while she put her hand on my forehead. "And you still are! Darling, you need to take care of yourself!"

I sighed, knowing there was no way I could win this fight. "Alright, love. I'm sorry." I said looking back into her eyes. A small smile made its way on to her face as she leaned forward to wrap her arms around me. I have a little smile and hugged her back. After a few seconds, she pulled back.

"Now, how about some tea for my poor baby?"

I nodded before realizing what she just said. "I'M NOT A BABY!"

~ The End ~

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