China x Shy!Student!Reader (Fenhuang)

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You were currently sitting, alone, in the public library of your town, reading a book on Chinese mythology. Why? You were studying Chinese mythology for your history course. History had always interested you, so you were currently getting your major in world history. Your dream was to become a history teacher one day, so you could share how amazing the world is with the next generation.

The professor had told your class to write a report on something meaningful to a certain country or civilization, and why it's important, and what it is. Since China had been around a long time, 4000+ years, you decided to report on something about China, and what's more interesting than mythology, right?

The book you were reading was called "Ancient Chinese Myths". As the title suggested, it had everything you needed to know. A person sat down across from you, which made you slightly uncomfortable because of how shy you were, but tried to pay it no mind as you thought that they wouldn't talk to you.

"Chinese mythology? Your interested in that, aru?" You heard the person across from you say in a heavy Chinese accent. You looked up to see a man with long brown hair, pulled off to the side in a ponytail, and he had brown eyes, which you found quite cute, but you would never say that.

"W-well... I'm studying Chinese mythology for my report..." You responded quietly, not feeling very comfortable talking to someone you don't really know. His eyes seemed to brighten up when you said this, causing you to blush slightly.

"Ah! I happen to know a lot about Chinese mythology, if you want to know anything, aru! My name's Yao, what's yours?" He stated happily, leaning in a little close, causing you too blush even more.

"U-umm... I'm (y/n)... okay, well, I can only do some myths, so... w-which ones do you think I should do?" You asked, gaining a little bit more confidence, seeing as he seems like a nice man. He smiled and walked around the table, sitting down next to you, causing a massive blush to explode across your face. He placed his hands on the book, looking at you as if asking if he can take it, nodding, you hand it to him and he starts flipping through the book. He lands on a page you haven't got to yet and starts explaining.

"This is the Fenhuang, which is what you westerners call a Phoenix, I believe." He said, handing the book back to you. You nodded in understanding and flipped to a new sheet of paper, writing "Fenhuang" at the top. Looking at the picture, you see a beautiful painting of a bird, and you immediately get drawn to its beauty.

"It's origins are said to be from carvings of two birds on jade pottery, and that they were good luck totems." He started.

"Two?" I questioned, confused as to why they would use two birds if it was just one being.

"Yes, the Fenhuang started as two separate birds, the Fen being the male, and the Huang being the female, and, during the Han dynasty, were always pictured as facing each other." You were frantically scribbling down his words as he was explaining details about the Fenhuang. Truthfully, you haven't been so interested in any of the other myths, other than the Chinese dragon of course, but somehow, when Yao was explaining it, you enjoyed the myth. Strange, seeing as you are usually very quiet, and don't like to interact with people you barely know.

"However, during the time of the Yuan dynasty, the Fen and Huang were fused together, creating the gender less, Fenhuang, although, the Fenhuang is used to portray the empress. The emperor being the dragon, of course." He explained, as your hand was starting to hurt from all the frantic writing. "From the Jiaqin era onward, there were two Phoenixes of two different genders, the male, having five tail feathers, and the female, having two curled tail feathers. At the same time, the Fenhuang was a symbol of south. The two had feathers colored black, white, red, green, and yellow." After you finished writing that down, you looked over the notes to see if you needed anything else.

"Umm... w-what do the colors mean?" You asked quietly, not making eye contact because of you shyness.

"Ah! The colors represent Confucius's five virtues, Ren, being humanity, Yi, honesty and uprightness, Zhi, knowledge, Xin, faithfulness and integrity, and Li, being correct behavior." He told you, watching overly your shoulder as you took notes. "Is there anything else you want to know?" He asked, smiling.

"Is it still good luck?"

"It's now used to show loyalty and honesty in a household, and it's said a Phoenix only stays if a ruler is without darkness." He finished, watching as you inched again jotted down his words. You closed the book and stood from your seat, Yao looking at you with confusion.

"Thank you so much, Yao! I feel great about my report!" I exclaimed smiling at the man as I noticed a small blush on his face.

"Aiya, it was nothing! I love Chinese mythology, aru!" He told you, his hand behind his neck. "A-and I was just wondering... um, if you maybe want to get a drink sometime, aru?" He asked, looking away slightly. This surprised you, to say the least. You were always so shy that you never really spoke to the guys you liked, so they never really asked you out.

"U-um... of course! I would really like that!" You replied, blushing madly.

"Okay! Well... I have to go now, aru. Here's my number, I'll text you details!" He said giving you he paper he wrote his number on. Smiling, he waved goodbye and left. You stayed behind, holding the book tightly, a large smile on your face. You looked down at the picture of the Fenhuang.

I hope you bring loyalty and honesty to us, too.

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