Axis x OCD!Reader (Flowers)

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I'm really sorry if I did a bad job portraying OCD because I don't have it and I don't understand what it's like :(



You worked as a maid for the world meetings. There was a meeting today in about an hour, and you were doing you job, cleaning. This job was pretty good for you since you had OCD. Your condition made it so you were always trying to get thins perfectly clean, symmetrical, and clean. Things gotta be clean or your not a happy woman. Clean equals life.

Sure, your co-workers, the other maids, might find your need for perfection annoying, but there was nothing you could do. Many of them knew about your conditions and weren't annoyed, but some didn't and were mad quite often. This always made you angry, but what could you do about it? It's not your fault you're the way you are!

You were currently standing in front of a vase of different colored flowers, staring at the intently. The patterns were not to your liking. Not at all. They were just put in the vase in a random matter. You clicked your tongue and started rearranging the flowers.

"Purple here. Orange here. Pink here. Red here. Yellow here..." You mumbled to yourself as you were fixing the terrible mess the other maids thought was "beauty". Far from it, in your humble opinion.

You felt the judging gazes of a few there maids as they did their own work. You were used to their anger. After all, even though some felt sorry for you and wanted to help, you lived a life of social isolation. It was just the way you worked.

You heard three voices approaching your location, but didn't pay attention to it since you were so fixed on making the flowers in the vase appear both symmetrical and perfect. Even if the maids didn't like you, your boss loved how you mad everything perfect. Thanks boss. The voices got closer, but you still didn't give them any thought until suddenly a body crashed into yours, causing you to yelp and fall to the ground. When you realized that in your current position, you were laying down on the ground under a man, your eyes widened and you scrambled away from the strange man, but still stayed on the ground.

"I'm a-so sorry! I-a didn't mean too!" The man squeaked in an Italian accent as he got up and held out a hand for your to take. GERMS! Your mind screamed as you got up, not taking the mans hand. You brushed the dust and wrinkles out of your maid uniform, making sure it was back to the way it was before, perfect. After this, you looked up to see the three men were still there, and the one who bumped into you, stared down at his hand sadly.

"I'm sorry! I would've taken your hand, but my condition makes me a germaphobe!" You stated sadly, looking at the man, but still not taking his hand.

"What condition?" You heard another voice ask. You turned and saw both of the other men looking at you. One of them was shorter with black hair and brown (I think) eyes, while the other was really tall, muscular, and had blonde hair and blue eyes. Something suddenly clicked in your head as you turned back and looked at the man who bumped into you. He had orange-brown hair with a curl sticking out, and kept his eyes shut. CRAP! IT'S THE AXIS!

"I'm so sorry! I didn't realize you were the axis!" You apologized rapidly, bowing in sincere apology. Even though they didn't tell you what to do, they were basically your bosses.?

"It's fine. But you didn't answer my question." Japan responded. Looking semi concerned but he still has that emotionless stare in his eyes. It's kinda creepy.

"I have OCD." You told them tree of them, as you tuned back to fixing the unsightly flowers. There was a moment of silence between the four of you, but you preferred the silence because it let your thoughts run and you could focus on how to make the flowers look perfect.

"Is that-a fun?" Italy asked, looking over your shoulder and at the flowers you were arranging. So far they looked amazing and you had only a few more to add.

"Well, it's not like I enjoy having OCD... but it's nice to a sense of perfection sometimes." You told the adorable nation, as he nodded and watched your strategic flower arranging.

"So if I brought-a some random flowers to-a your house, would you-a be able to make them pretty like-a these?" He asked, as you placed the last flower in and looked over your masterpiece.

"I would, but I don't consider it a gift. It's really an impediment." You said as you turned to look at them. Even though they were far superior than you, you enjoyed talking to them. Italy also seemed to enjoy talking to you, which might even give you a raise, giving you more omen to arrange in perfect order.

"Italy, the meeting is going to start soon. We should get going." Germany spoke up, hoping to not make the world hate them even more than they already do because of WW2. Italy nodded and started walking towards Germany. "Have a nice day..." Germany trailed off, realizing he didn't know your name.

"(Y/n)." You informed them as he smiled.

"Have a nice day, (y/n)." He finished as he turned and started walking. Japan bowed and walked off with Germany. Italy did a cute little wave before he ran off after the other two members of his alliance. You smiled and began to on the next vase before reaching in your pocket and finding three different slips of paper.

Your flowers look very pretty, maid-san. My cellphone number is xxx-xxx-xxxx. Call me sometime and maybe we can look at the Sakura together - Japan

It was a pleasure meeting you today. I ope we can get together sometime. zzz-zzz-zzzz. - Germany

Ciao bella! I hope to buy you flowers one day to see you arrange them in another beautiful way! Call me! iii-iii-iiii - Italy

You blushed as you finished reading the three notes. You placed them back into your pocket as you continued working on the flowers.

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