Hitman Jones x Reader (Food)

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Working under your older brother, Luciano, was difficult. He was head of the Italian mafia, and you were his little sister, so even if you hated killing, you were born into this and now have to do it. Lucky you.

As you walked down the wooden hallways of your brother's mansion, aka, the mafia headquarters, you noticed that not many people were here today. There must be something big happening for you. You hated saying that, that something big was happening for you. You hated being part of them, but it couldn't be helped. As you continued walking down the halls, you saw your other older brother, Flavio, one of the only people in the mafia you didn't hate with a passion.

Your brother waved in your direction as you returned the favor. "Good morning, Flavio! Why are there so little people around today?" You asked the blonde man. No one ever informed you about what is happening around the mansion because Luciano claims you are "to innocent". Yeah, he ruined your "innocence" a long time ago.

"Good morning, sis. I guess they didn't tell you once again..." He trailed off, and you nodded, signaling him to continue. "Brother took many people with him to go see if they can take down the notorious, Hitman Jones!" He told you with a smile as you sighed. Again? It's not like the mafia has tried 11 times already! "I know they've failed this so many times, but we can do it this time! I know it!" He exclaimed, holding your hands in his.

"Whatever you say..." You sighed. Just then, you both heard the sound of vehicles coming closer to the building. Just in case of an emergency, Flavio and you pulled out your guns. You hated your gun. You never wanted to kill anyone. Sadly, you have. That's what you get for being born into the Vargas family. You big stealthily made your way to a tinted window, in case whoever was outside could see through. You both relaxed and put your guns down at the sight of your own vehicles.

You both watched from the windows as the people got out of the trucks, Luciano being first, naturally. You watched as your brother walked to the back of the largest truck. He said something to the people guarding the truck, and they opened up the back door. They both went in and pulled out an unconscious body. There was a sack over the person's head, but they had black dress pants, a white dress shirt and black suspenders. Oh god... they actually caught Hitman Jones.

"Go team! I told you they would do it!" Flavio cheered from beside you, pulling you out of your astonished thoughts.

"Yeah..." You responded as you watched hem haul his body through the front doors.

"Well, lets not just stand there, let's congratulate them!" He states as if this were the coolest thing he's ever seen, which it very much was. He didn't wait for your response as he grabbed your wrist and pulled you downstairs, where your new prisoner was. He pulled you to where your brother was standing. If there wasn't a man with a sack over his head, you would've thought Luciano just won the "student of the month" award or something because he looked so happy and proud.

"Congratulations, Luciano!" You happily told him, even though in reality you weren't very happy with this at all. On top of the fact that your in the mafia, there is now a very dangerous person living here. Woohoo...

"What's a chick doing here?" A voice sounded from beyond a burlap sack. Everyone turned in Jones' direction and got their guns at the ready. Various clocks were heard as people were ready to fire if necessary. Something they were all thought by your brother. "Geez, all I did was ask a question!".

"It is not your place to ask questions of us, Jones!" Your brother scolded, kneeling down before the man. "In fact, it is not your place to do anything." He snarled.

"I'm American, freedom of speech." Jones stated very sassily. This guys got some guts.

"Your in Italy now, you stupid bastard!" Flavio spat, kneeling down like his brother.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever..." Jones mumbled as he was hauled off to the prison room.

~ Time Skip ~

It's been three days since your brother's capturing of the famous Hitman Jones. As far as you know, they've maybe given him water, but not fed him at all. Poor man, must be starving. Wait... why are you feeling pain for him? He's a killer! A vicious one at that! Your thoughts raced as you walked down a random hall with an uneaten plate of pasta, when suddenly, you heard a voice coming from a familiar room. The prison room.

"Cmon guys! Just one tiny bite of food! That's all I ask for!" Jones whined. You were right, he had no food. You looked down at your plate deep in thought. Should I? No. Will I?



You walked into the room to be met with many different cells, separated from the main path with thick bars that no human can break though. You looked into the different cells to see them all empty except for the last one on the right. As you walked up you saw they took the bag off of the Hitman's face, revealing his abnormally bright blue eyes, but they cuffed his hands and feet so he couldn't move anywhere. You felt bad, but you shouldn't have.

He took notice to you being there and looked up from his prior state of staring at the ground as if counting the little bumps on the uncomfortable floor. His eyes widened as he looked at you. Maybe because you looked like your brother's a little (sorry if you don't), or that you were a girl. He did sound surprised a few days ago. "So your the chick of the mafia?" He broke the strange science between you two.

"Yes, I am." You simply responded, not breaking eye contact. Your brother also taught you to never break eye contact with the enemy. If you do, that shows fear.

"Huh... I thought you would be more hot." He bluntly stated. Your eye twitched. Right now, you really wanted to punch the lights out of this stupid American.

"Really? And to think I was actually going to give you food. Oh well!" You told the idiotic man as you began walking or of the room.

"YOU'RE GORGEOUS!" He shouted after you. You knew he didn't mean that, but whatever. You got what you wanted and so will he.

"That's more like it!" You exclaimed as you walked back to the cell he was in, and unlocked the door with the key your brother had supplied you with. After you placed the key in a safe pocket that you knew he couldn't reach, you walked in and placed the food down next to him.

"Oh poor me~! My hands are cuffed so it looks like you'll have to feed me~!" He sighed, pretending to be sad but it was obvious he was looking forward to this, causing you to roll your eyes. You forcefully stabbed the pasta with your fork and shoved it into his mouth, without warning.

"You better shut your mouth before I stab you with this fork!" You threatened the man as he swallowed the food you gave him, a smile spreading across his face.

"I can't believe you actually came to feed me!" He exclaimed, very happily. "I mean, in your prisoner and everything! But you actually care! You know... that can get you killed!" He said, sounding a little worried, but you did want to buy it.

You sadly chuckled. "I hope so, if death means that I won't be part of the mafia anymore." You told him, for some odd reason, you felt that you could talk to him.

He looked at you, a small frown on his face as you gave him another fork full of pasta. After he swallowed, he started talking again, "What's your name?".

"It's (y/n)... Vargas..." You said, not very proud of your name. Correction: not at all proud of your name.

"VARGAS!?" He shouted, but not loud enough for others to hear. "You're one of them?".

"Sadly, yes." You told him.

"Tell you what, Vargas. Once I break out of here, I'll take you with me and marry you, so you can change your last name to Jones!" He exclaimed as if he were a genius.

"M-m-marry you?" You stuttered, in shock of what the man just said. "Th-that's ridiculous!" You got up from your spot and left the cell, locking it after you.

"Maybe it is, but will you think about it? It'll set you free!" He tempted you. Your back was facing the cell as you stood in thought.

"Yeah... I'll think about it!" You told him, turning back with a smile.

~ The End ~

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