Iceland x Reder (Thanks Brother) Part 2

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Finland's POV


The prior happiness I had has just turned into rage as I saw Iceland holding MY little sister's HAND. They've only known each other so long! And (y/n) should know not to trust someone she only just met, even though I completely trust Iceland.

"Just what do you think you're doing?" I asked, hands on my hips as I leaned close to their faces. My sister's once happy face turned into one of fear as she pulled her hand away from Iceland's. I didn't mean to scare her, I just didn't like this.

"What I think I'm doing is that (y/n) and I are going on a date tomorrow!" Iceland snapped at me, grabbing her hand again. My eyes widened. A date? My little sister who has never had any friends before? On a date? With him? I backed away and stared at them in shock.

"(Y/n). I need to talk with you. ALONE!" I snapped back at the two of them before pulling her arm and swiftly walked out the door, slamming it behind me.

Norway's POV

I had finally chased down Denmark and convinced him to come back inside as I heard a door slam. Great... what happened this time? I peered my head around the corner to see Finland scolding (y/n). Denmark, being the idiot he is, was about to walk down the hall they were in before I grabbed his arm and yanked his back so he could stand with me as I spied on the two siblings.

"I will not let you go on a date with Iceland after you just met him, sis!" Finland told her, sternly. (Y/n) and Iceland? Wow. The shy girl's lip quivered as she tried to back away from her brother further, however it didn't work since she was already against the wall. She turned her gaze away from the eyes of her brother, which I assume looked furious, but he was facing away from us.

"I'm sorry, brother. But I was attracted to him since I first stepped in the room and he asked me on a date so I said yes..." She replied, sounding as if she was about to break out into tears any second.

"I don't care if you were attracted to him! You're not dating him!" He yelled at her. Just after he spat those words out, the door opened and Iceland ran out towards (y/n). Once he got to her, he immediately stepped in front of the now shaking girl, to protect her from her over protective brother.

"Don't yell at her like that! She's your sister! Your supposed to make her happy, not treat her like she's stupid and doesn't know what she's doing! She isn't stupid and she does know what she's doing!" The look in his eyes was pure anger. I could see the love he held for this girl, and even if they did just meet, it was real. "And, last time I checked, it wasn't your place to answer my request for her! She already sis answer, she said yes, so we're going on that date! And I promise you this, I will do everything in my power to make sure that (y/n) is happy!" Wow. My little brother's really starting to sound like a man.

"You heard the man, Finland! Let them go on the date and if it doesn't go well, then they won't date again! Easy as pie!" Denmark said, walking out from behind the wall, pulling me along. Finland looked down and sighed.

"Fine. Sorry I was so controlling. I'm just so used to always being there for her, I didn't know how to react so I got mad..." He said, not taking his gaze off the ground. (Y/n) smiled and hugged her older brother, causing him to look at her.

"I understand, Toni. It's alright." She said sweetly. Finland smiled back and the two of them hugged, a jealous looking Iceland behind them. Those two are going to make a cute couple I think...

~ Time Skip to the Date ;) ~

Your POV

You looked liver your outfit one last time as you waited for Iceland to come, or, as he instructed you to say when in public, Emil. A (f/c) dress that reached down to your knees, with a matching pair of (f/c) flats, and a (f/c) purse that had your phone, money, and of course, food. Hey, you can't live without it!

You were sitting on a bench just outside of the gardens that he said you two would walk around in. To some, walking around in a garden isn't anything special, but it was your first date and from what you could tell it looked absolutely stunning!

You were suddenly pulled out of your thoughts when you heard a voice calling your name. "(Y/n)!" You turned to look at the guy calling you to see your date, Ice- I mean- Emil, jogging over to you. "Sorry if I kept you waiting, your brother was calling me non-stop making sure I knew what I was doing and that I wouldn't hurt you." He sighed. Classic Toni.

"Sorry about him. He has always been with me whenever I go anywhere, so he is naturally very worried. But I trust you!" I smiled widely at him, a huge blush spreading across his cute face.

"I-I'm glad you do..." He smiled back at me. "Shall we then?" He asked, holding his hand out for me to take.

"We shall!" I replied happily as I placed my hand in his cold one. Although it was cold, you didn't mind! He then proceeded to start walking towards the entrance, with you gladly following behind.

~ Time Skip to the End of the Date ~

It was now getting pretty late, and the temperature starts going down. You were both walking towards your house, where he would stay the night. You, being the smart girl you are, forgot you coat which you assume is laying right next to the door. Go you! You tried to make it not so obvious that you were cold, but failed miserably as you now walk with your arms folded and shivering.

Emil, being the perfect date he wished to be, noticed this fairly quickly and immediately took off his signature brown coat, and placed it over your shoulders. You blushed at the sudden action, since you were not expecting it, and you really really liked him, an he knew that.

"Th-thanks... Emil..." You said, slipping your arms in his coat's sleeves which were much to big for you, but you didn't mind. After all, who doesn't love doing that thing where if he sleeves are too long you flap them around like they're a helicopter?

"No problem!" Emil responded, suddenly stopping. You stopped as well and looked curiously into his eyes, wanting to know why he stopped. "So... are we... you know... boyfriend and girlfriend now?" He asked, blushing and trying to avoid your eyes.

"Of course, Emil!" You replied with a closed eye smile.

"Good!" He responded before leaning closer and planting a small kiss on your cheek, before turning to face forward once more as he continued to lead you towards home.

Finland's POV

Nonnononononononononono! This is not happening!

How did I know he kissed her on the cheek? Simple. The rest of the Nordics and I were stalking them the whole time! :)

"Shouldn't you be home before them, Toni?" Norway suddenly asked me, pulling me out of my mental curses.


~ The End ~

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