Netherlands x Reader (The Girl)

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You were currently far away from your home in (country) (if you live in the Netherlands use the great power of imagination). It was currently June and you had just got out of College for the summer. You best friend surprised you with a vacation to Amsterdam, Netherlands, but then something came up so only you went. Now, you are sitting in some random park, looking like a loser because you are all by yourself. Sure you had your phone and a book, but how long could those last you?

You finally decided to stop wasting you time sitting around watching people in their daily lives, so you got up and started walking around the beautiful city. As you walked around, you spotted a market set up, with people selling lots of different things. Of course, you didn't have a lot of money, but you could probably buy something small.

You made your way through he crowds of people who were ready to throw all of there money out the window for something that probably wasn't even good quality, when something suddenly bumped into you, making you fall backwards in your butt. You winced at he sudden pain, and them opened your eyes to see an innocent looking rabbit sitting in front of you, staring into your soul with its cute little eyes, as if it did nothing wrong.

Then, a man approached the two of you, and held out his hand for you to take. "I'm sorry my rabbit knocked you over. You alright?" He asked, as you gladly took his hand, and he pulled you off your position on the ground. As this happened, you took the time to see what the man was like. He was really freakishly tall (or at least compared to you), had blonde hair that stood up like a tulip or something, a small scar on the right side of his forehead, and soul-piercing green eyes. In other words, he was very intimidating.

"It's fine, it didn't hurt at all!" You lied, not wanting to cause him worry, even though he really looked like he could care less about you.

"I'm glad." He said, even though there was no trace of glad-ness on his face. "What is a pretty woman like you doing here all alone?" He asked, causing a blush to rise to your face. People don't really call you pretty that often, especially handsome men like him. You blushed harder at your own thoughts.

"BROTHER!" A female voice called as you were about to respond. He turned his direction towards a girl with brown hair, and similar green eyes. "Don't go around calling girls pretty! We came here to sell stuff, not hit on girls!" She said, from behind a stand with various items displayed. So he's a vender, you thought to yourself. You turned your attention back towards the strange man, to see he had a small blush on his face.

"Right." He responded as he started walking towards the girl you assumed was his sister, not forgetting to pick up his (demon) rabbit. After a few steps, he stopped and looked back at you, holding out his hand. "Would you like to join us?" He asked you, even hogue you didn't even know his name.

"Sure. I mean, I have nothing else to do." You replied as you walked with him behind the stand. "M-my name's (y/n)... what's yours?" You asked him, mentally cursing yourself for stuttering. But, what can you do? You can't deny it, he's hot.


I can't deny it, she's hot. I thought to myself, as I was helping my sister sell our items, but mostly paying attention to the girl my rabbit bumped into. I'll have to that him later. As I was in my little fantasy world, I heard her equally beautiful voice speak up out of our always silence.

"M-my name's (y/n)... what's yours?" She asked, tilting her head to the side in a cute way, causing heat to rise to my face. What's wrong with me? I never show emotions.

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