Hitman Jones x Reader (Food) Part 2

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It's been a few days since your brother captured the notorious hit man, and you've secretly feed him every day. Your brothers and the other mafia members were confused as to why he was not starving or begging for water, but in the end they just assumed he was used to this kind of treatment, even though he had never been captured before. You had never forgotten that promise he asked of you, and just a few minutes ago, you agreed to his idea.

~ Flashback ~

You entered the dusty cell room and walked to the end, where the man you learned of as Alfred sat, as usual. You kneeled down in front of the bars that separated you two, and placed some of the food on your fork, holding it up for Al to eat. He happily ate the food, not moving his gaze from you, which was a little creepy, but you didn't care.

"I'm surprised you haven't escaped yet." You told him, as you placed the fork down on the now empty plate. He smiled contently, as if oblivious to the fact that maybe the only reason he was alive right now was because of you.

"Oh, I know how to escape! I'm just waiting for your answer!" He explained, although quietly. You sighed and stared at the ground in front of you. The truth is, you did have an answer, but you were afraid of what might happen depending on what you say.

"Alfred... I-i would love to run away and m-marry you." You told him, finally finding the courage to look him in his strangely bright blue eyes. A large smile grew on his face that was a mix of both maniacal and happy.

"Oh goodie! I can escape now, and take you with me!" He chuckled lightly and leaned as close to my face as he possibly could since he was chained to the floor and there were bars in between us. "I'll come pick you up at night! Be ready for me~!" He purred and you were trying to figure out if that meant you were going to have sex or not. Hopefully not.

"O-okay then... I'll see you then." You stuttered as you picked up the plate and walked out of the room, "forgetting" to lock it behind you. You quietly made your way back to your room, where you plopped down on your bed, waiting for the time when Alfred would come and rescue you from your own family, like a knight in shining armor. You giggled a little at how cheesy that sounded, before you turned to face the grand window.

A few hours passed and the moon was out now, the sky an intimidating black. Your nerves were getting the best of you and you were now scared that he lied to you and was just using you as a way to escape. You sighed and sat up, your knees hugged close to your chest. You should've never trusted him, why did you think he would actually want to help you?

Just as you were about to start crying, a faint knock came from your window, and you turned to see Alfred there on the balcony, somehow. Your room was on the third floor, how did he get up here? Oh, whatever. A large smile spread across your face as you ran towards the window, opening it so you were now face to face with him. He smiled back and pulled you out of your room, closing the window behind you. He swiftly jumped off the balcony, covering your mouth so you wouldn't scream.

Landing softly, he quickly started running away, holding your wrist as he did, so you had to go along. Even so, you wouldn't run away, this was your one and possibly only chance to run away, and you had to admit, Alfred was growing on you. As embarrassing as it is to admit, you don't mind marrying him.

After what seems like ages of running, he stops and lets you catch your breath. You recognized where you were, since you've been all around Italy because of your job. You were just outside of Milan (where my family's from yay). "Why such a big city? Won't people recognize you?" You asked once you were able to catch your breath.

He looked over at you with that stupid smirk on his face. "Well, probably some people, but, like, what can they do?" He responded, looking really confident for a guy who had been in captivity of the mafia. "Besides, we won't go too far into the city. You'll buy a house around here for us." He said, with a happy smile, making him look a lot more innocent than he is.

"Wait, why do I have to buy the house? I don't have any money! I left it all behind!" You scolded him as anger boiled up inside you. Why on earth did you think this was a good idea? Oh well, you're stuck with him now.

"Relax, woman!" He retorted, sounding like a really angry boss rather than your fiancé, or whatever he is. "I'll give you my money. We'll camp out here for tonight, I'll find a priest to marry us for tomorrow, we'll change your name, then you'll use my money to but the house under a new name. Got that?" He explained, sitting down next to you, under a big tree.

Thoughts started running through your head. You two have never been so close to each other before, but you feel like you've known him for so long. There's another feeling inside your head, but you can't quite figure out what that feeling is.

You soon fell asleep against him, but woke up to find him gone. Sadness filled up inside you, and for some reason, you hoped he would come back. You didn't want to be alone, you wanted to be with someone. With him.

Suddenly, you hear his voice calling out to you. You turn to see him running towards the tree, a big smile on his face. Not a sadistic smile, no, it was really happy. It was like he just got a new puppy or something. "(Y/n)! I got them! I got our rings! C'mon! Get up! Let's get married!" He cheered.

The same feeling from before swept all over your body, and you now knew what it was.

It was love.

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