Spain x Reader (He Couldn't Do It)

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Warning: This one's really sad. It may bring up some past memories of another episode...


A young, 20 year old girl with (h/c) hair, and bright (e/c) eyes was skipping around the streets of Madrid, Spain, when she wasn't paying attention to where she was going. It was hard for her not to, after all, she had just moved here from a completely different country, and was mesmerized by the amazing architecture and everything there. As she was skipping down the street, she accidentally bumped into a man, his drink spilling all over her shirt, as she landed on her butt, hard.

The girl winced at the sudden pain, before she looked up from her spot on the ground. Her eyes meet green ones, and stared at the unfamiliar brunette, before blushing. "Oh my! I'm so sorry for bumping into you, sir!" The flustered girl apologized. The man looked around her age, had brown hair, and beautiful green eyes. He held his hand out for her to take.

"No worries, chica! I'm sorry for spilling my drink on you!" He said as she grabbed his hand, and he pulled her up. She pulled her hand away after a few seconds of holding it awkwardly, and rubbed the back of her neck.

"Oh don't be! It was my fault for not paying attention to where I was going." She responded, sorry that he felt that he should be sorry for anything, when it was really her fault.

"My house is pretty close by, I can get you a new shirt to wear for the rest of the day, if you'd like?" He suggested to the woman. She nodded in agreement, and he started to lead her to his house.

There, he got her a new shirt, and they also introduced themselves. She learned his name was Antonio, and he also learned her name. After they talked for a bit, they parted ways, but made sure that they would talk again.

One year later, and Antonio and the girl were great friends. They just clicked together. The girl had met a few of Antonio's friends, Lovino, Francis, and Gilbert. They were strange men, but she thought they were fun to be around. The girl couldn't deny at this point that she was in love with Antonio, and he couldn't deny that he was in love with her. However, Antonio knew he couldn't have the girl. He was a country, and could possibly live forever, while she would grow old fast, and then die off. He knew he wouldn't be able to stand seeing her die just to have him live forever.

The two were hanging out together, walking the streets of Madrid, when the girl suddenly stopped walking. This caught Antonio's attention, and he turned to face her in confusion. "Antonio? I've liked you for a really long time now, and I was wondering if you would... like to go out with me?" The girl asked him. This was the part Antonio wished would never happen. He wanted to do it, but he couldn't do it.

"I'm sorry... I don't feel the same way. But I hope we can still be friends?" Antonio stated but really was asking. Oh, how he wanted to say yes, he really really did. But he couldn't. It would just cause him more pain. As he looked at the girl, he could practically see her heart tearing into two.

"Oh... yeah... friends!" She replied, smiling, even though he could tell she wanted to start crying. Who could blame her? They then continued their stroll in an awkward state. They talked, but the both of them could tell how tense it was. How he wanted to admit that it was all a lie. But he couldn't do it.

Five years later and here he was, sitting with Lovino, Francis, and Gilbert, in the back of a church, wearing a tuxedo, watching as the girl he still loved walked down the isle, her arm linked with her father's as she smiled, looking up to the man who was about to be her husband. He man she truly loved. Even though it pained him to see this, he was happy to see you meet someone that you felt like you were truly at home with, and that you loved. He wished you the best, even though his true wish was to be with you. He watched as your father passed you over to your true love. This was the mark of a new part of her life, and he didn't give your life any mark. He wished he was important to you, but he knew he would never be as important to you as him. Did he hate him? No. Was he jealous of him? Yes. Could he do anything? Yes. But he couldn't do it.

Ten years later, and he watched as she and her husband played with their two happy children, with large smiles on their faces. How we wished he could be speeding time with her and his non-existing children. He wished he could talk to her, but soon after the wedding, she completely forgot that he existed. Mainly because he still looked like he was twenty, while you were now 36. He was kind of glad she forgot about him, but he was still sad about it. He was glad because he felt like it would hurt less for him if he didn't know you existed. He often thought about going up and talking to you, introducing himself to you again, but he couldn't do it.

Eleven years later, and he's watching as her first child is now off to college, and her second child is in his final year of high school. She and her husband have gotten even older, and so have their children, and he still looks 20. Being a country was cool and all, but when things like this happen, it was pure torture. Maybe, he could go to your first child's college, and introduce himself to her, and then proceed to eventually meet you once more. It sounded like a great idea, but he couldn't do it.

It has been 40 years since your first child left for college, and now, here he was, standing once again close to the girl he loved and still does love. Now, she's 87. And now, she lay completely still, not moving a millimeter, surrounded by beautiful white roses, in a coffin. This was the day eh was waiting for, but never wished to come. Her death day. The day where his world would tear into two, much like her heart did 67 years ago. However, this time, his heart wouldn't be able to fix itself like he thought hers did. He wished he could somehow fix it, but he couldn't do it.


As he walked away from her funeral, a girl watched him from her new found spot in heaven. There she watched he man who thought she forgot. But she didn't. That man was a man who changed her, who broke her, but also taught her to be strong through heartbreak, and who made her happy. How she wished she could come back down to the world of the living, and confront the man... but she couldn't do it.

For never was there a story of more woe... than that of (y/n)... and her Antonio...

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