France x Reader (Beauty and the Beast) Part 2

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A/N: this is the part where things are changed a lot from the original plot line. Please bare with me.


As you came back to my senses you felt soft blankets on top of my body and a soft cushion below me. You opened your eyes and remembered that you were kidnapped by some French Beast in order for him to set your father free. You sprang out of the bed to notice you were in different clothes. Did that perverted Beast strip you and then change your clothes? Disgusting!

"I know what you were thinking, but it wasn't our master that changed you it was I!" A sudden voice sounded throughout the room. Startled, you turned your head towards the source only to see a white dresser and mirror. You sighed, thinking that you must be imagining things. "My name is Katyusha! What's yours, dear?" The dresser suddenly spoke to you, moving as it did. After staring at the dresser that seemed to be alive, you remembered the clock that you saw before. Roderich? Yeah, him.

"H-hello... Katyusha. I-I'm (y/n)..." You responded, not sure if your were hallucinating or if this was real. After rubbing your eyes a few times, you came to the conclusion that this is indeed real.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, (y/n)!" Katyusha replied, and she would be smiling if she, you know, had a face. You simply nodded in response.

"Um, Miss Katyusha, is there any way I could get out of here?" You asked her, longing to go home and see your dear father again. You wanted to make sure he got home safely and that he wasn't sickly anymore.

"I'm afraid no matter how hard you'll try, our master will always find you." She sighed in response. "And even if you could, it would make us servants very happy if you would stay, after all, we haven't had company in years." She finished.

"There are others like you? I mean, I know there's a clock, but there are more?" You asked her, this just gets crazier by the second!

"Yes! I'll get them for you!" All the sudden she yelled "COME HERE EVERYONE" really loudly, causing you to cover your ears. Man, can this woman shout. After a few clinking noises, the door opened revealing more moving objects. You recognized the clock from before, there was also a candlestick, two teacups, and a duster-bird thing.

"Ah, it's the girl. I believe we have met before." Roderich said once he looked at me.

"Yes, we have. When you set my father free. Did he make it home safely?" You asked him frantically.

"I just led him outside, I don't know if he made it from there." Roderich stated as if he didn't even care about him or anyone at all.

"That was very rude of you to say, Roderich! You should have made sure the poor man was alright before shutting the doors on him!" The bigger tea cup scolded Roderich, seeming to be a woman. After she scolded him, she turned to talk to you. "Don't mind him. He doesn't act like he cares for others, but he truly does. My name is Elizabeta. And yours is..." Elizabeta trailed off, asking for your name. Honestly, you really didn't want to tell these crazy animate objects, but you decided that you might be staying for a while so you might as wee get on their good side.

"It's (y/n)." You told the appliances.

"Hello, love." The candlestick said, taking a few steps closer to the bed. "My name is Arthur, and I know our master can be very perverted and annoying, but please do understand he is struggling in his current state and is trying his best to find a way to turn himself and all of us back to normal." You nodded in response. You kinda understood, judging from that hey must have been human before, and it must have been hard to get used to their new metal bodies.

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