Russia x Reader (Apologies)

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You woke up, the light of morning slapping you in the face, causing you to rub your eyes. You slowly opened them again and looked around the room. It was a large room, which made sense because the whole house was big. You looked to your side to see it empty. Sad as it is, you were used to having no one to say 'good morning' to.

Being a country and all, your husband, Ivan Braginiski, was always really busy with work and often left the house before you would wake up. Most people would be furious that their husband was never there, but you weren't. How could you? Ivan is the cutest and sweetest person ever. Whenever he came home, he made sure that he apologized for being gone so long, and made sure you felt loved.

You felt bad for the Baltics, though. Ivan always makes sure they make dinner for the both of you, and then tells them to get out of the kitchen while you two eat, so they have to wait a long time for them to finally eat. Every day, without Ivan's knowledge, you would apologize greatly to them, and they would always respond with, 'we're used to it'. That broke your heart. They were great people, and deserved better than to be pushed around by Ivan. Even though Ivan tried to be a friend to the three of them, they were all to scared of him, and in the end, they still had a master-servant relationship. Even though they were treated like crap, you were glad the Baltics were here. They were able to keep you company, since Russia's boss was basically their boss, so Russia did they business work, and they did the house work.

You got up from bed, and put some fresh clothes on, brushed your everything, and made your way downstairs. You walked into the large kitchen, and saw Lithuania, cooking something, and working hard as always. You took a step towards him, and he turned around, hearing your soft foot land on the cold tile floor.

"Hello, Miss (y/n)!" He cheerfully greeted you, since he viewed you as more of a friend than a superior. He used to treat you like you were equal to Ivan, but you told him how you hated to be viewed as higher up than him. Despite, this he insisted on calling you Miss (y/n), because he was always afraid that Ivan was listening in. "Did you sleep well?" He asked, turning back to the food he was preparing.

"I did, thank you! How about you, Toris?" You questioned, stading right behind him and watching as he tossed the food in the pan.

"Well, I got as much sleep as I usually do. It's kind of hard since I'm always afraid of what Mr Russia is going to say the next day." He responded, trying to sound cheerfull. After a few secons, he seemed to remember that you were married to the guy, and tensed up. "Ah! I'm sorry! I forgot you love him! I wouldn't have said that!".

"Toris, I know he bosses you around, you don't have to pretend like you're chummy with him just because I love him." You told him, sad that he changed the way he acts in front of you.

"I'm glad. You know, it's nice to have someone as understanding as you around the house! Takes out the gloomy atmosphere that we Baltics being!" He said, turining to you, and giving you a bright smile, causing you to smile back.

"And I'm glad you're here, too. Makes it less lonely." You responded, moving to sit down at the table. Toris placed the food on four plates, and set them on that table, one sitting in front of you. He called out for Estonia and Latvia. The two came down soon after, and joined you at the table. You aways adored Latvia, and treated him like he was your son of sorts, even though he was technically much older than you were.

"Good morning, (y/n)!" Estonia said as he sat down across from you. Latvia took the seat next to him, and Lithuania sat down next to you.

"Good morning, Eduard!" You responded, picking up a piece of the food with your fork and placing it in your mouth. After you ate the piece, you turned to Toris and smiled. "You're food is as amazing as always, Toris! Thanks for always making it for us!".

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