Pirate!England x Mermaid!Reader (Captain's Hat)

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When you almost forget about your own book, ha that's an L

Arthur Kirkland. He was not what people might call "a nice guy". No, he was a very rude man. He would force labor upon his crew, and not try to help out or feel even the slightest bit guilty. He would sail across miles of rough sea just to set fire to people's villages and take all their money. If he felt "nice" he would force some of the villagers into slave labor on his ship. Everyone hated him, that is, except himself and the queen. He thought he was going the world a favor. Oh how wrong he was. He was really hurting the world, and everyone else knew it. However, one unfortunate event, lead to something very fortunate.


It was a terrible day, to say the least.

To start, I woke up to the hollering of all the pathetic men in my ship. I stormed outside of my luxury quarters to see them all starting their work, and yelling directions to each other. "I would have preferred to have waken up to something better than you scrawny nobodies yelling meaningless orders at each other!" I yelled at them. They all turned to look at me, annoyed looks plastered across their faces.

"But sir, we're just trying to start our work earlier to please you!" One of them said back to me. I paused for a moment. The only sounds that could be heard were waves crashing up against the side of my ship, and the occasional creak of the wooden planks.

"Starting your work early? To please me?" I asked no one in particular. None of them moved, as they awaited what more I had to say. "IF YOU REALLY WANTED TO PLEASE ME YOU WOULD HAVE NEVER STOPPED WORKING!" I screamed at them, kicking one random kid to the ground. I didn't know his name, why should I? I stormed off as I could hear people rushing to help the young boy that now lay on the splintered floor, in pain.

After that, it was nothing but watching those pathetic fools "do their job". They did them terribly. Even if it looked alright to them, it was all wrong to me and so they had to start over from the very beginning. Absolutely pathetic. As I watched in agony, my first mate called out to me, "Captain! There is a storm approaching from the west! We need to take cover!"

"No!" I replied, a shocked look filled his eyes as he watched me. "These baboons of human beings better be prepared to sacrifice their lives for my ship! Now get to it!" I ordered and he proceeded to prepare for the storm, along with the rest of the the crew. 

I won't get into unnecessary details, but we crashed on some seemingly deserted island.

Damn, I thought, there's no villages to steal from to rebuild my boat, I thought as I looked at my ship, a big hole torn in the side, from where it hit a rock in that mess of a storm. I started to look around the island, for anything that could help. Sadly, it was made of just rock and thin trees that would be hard to make wood out of. I sighed and sat atop one of the rocks. I then looked more at my surroundings. The water was so clear, and shining, as if there had never been a storm or shipwreck. There were late rocks sticking up out of the water, and some small caves, too.

"Sir? What should we do?" One of the crew asked quietly, watching me from behind.

"Find a place to take shelter." I responded, not taking much care in his question. Once I made sure they left, I tore off my captain's hat and threw it as far as I could into the turquoise ocean water. I turned to go find anything to eat, when I heard motion from the water, and not the sound of waves against rock, but something like an animal in the water.

I turned back around to see my hat, placed on the rocks, dripping with water. I cautiously walked towards it, but nothing happened. I picked it up again, and threw it back into the water, and this time, I didn't turn around. I heard the water moving again, and I noticed something moving, my hat in it's... hand? As it got closer I was able to name out details more clearly, it was... a mermaid!?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2017 ⏰

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