Hong Kong x Reader (The Dark)

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Note: Hahahaha I know his birthday was three days ago and now it's America's birthday, but whatever hahahahaha happy fourth to my fellow Americans!!


You were staying over at your friend Yao's place to celebrate Leon's birthday. You and Leon were pretty good friends, but everyone in the Asian family shipped you two, especially Yong-Soo. There have been many times when he's almost managed to push your faces together so you kiss, but he hast achieved that, yet.

Sadly for you, everyone else in the Asian family was there at Yao's house, when he told you that only you would be staying over. So, here you are. Sitting on Yao's couch pressed up against Yong-Soo and Mei. You adored Mei, but Yong-Soo... he was whispering things about Leon  in your ear.

"I saw you two in the park yesterday, da-ze." He started, and at this point you had no idea what to expect out of his mouth. "You were kinda close to him. You can't deny your feelings, da-ze." That's true. You did like Leon. A lot. "You shout tell hiiiiiiiiiiimmmmm..." He dragged out.

You were finally fed up with all of his random shipping comments, so you grabbed him by the ear and dragged him towards the door. "Where are you guys going?" Mei asked, watching as you pulled Yong-Soo away from the couch and to what he assumed was his death.

"Owowowowowoowoww.... (y/n)! Where are you taking me, da-ze!?" He asked as you opened the door, and then closed the door behind you, so it was just the two of you outside.

"Alright, Yong-Soo. You have your way. I like Leon. Now what do you plan to do with that information?" You told him, crossing your arms. He immediately brightened and came a little to close for comfort.

"I knew it!" He smiled widely, although he was so close that it was kind of hard to see. "Now, I have a great plan for you to get eeeeveeen closer to Leon!" He spun farther away from your face, so you could breathe, and you stared at him in confusion.

"What is this great plan?" You asked him as his expression grew into something that might have been described as creepy and maybe a little perverted.

"I'll let you say the magic three words..."

"Go away Yong-Soo?" 

"Nooooo, the I-love-you's!" He replied now really angry, he deserves it though. "But, just be ready to go up to Leon's room when the power goes out, da-ze!" He said, and then proceeded to run back inside, leaving you out there.

"Hold on, you can't just know the power is going out. What are you planning?" You asked him even though he wasn't there. You sighed and walked back inside, to see everyone staring at an overly happy Yong-Soo.

"What's his deal, (y/n)?" You looked over to see Leon, sitting the place you used to sit, leaving you no room, but you didn't mind. Just seeing Leon made you happy.

"I don't know and I don't want to know." You half-lied. You did know but you wished you knew more, like how he knows the power's gonna go out. Oh no... is he going to cut the power himself?

~ Time Skip ~

It was now 10 pm, and you were alone in the living room, scared to death of what Yong-Soo was up to. The sun had gone down a few minutes ago, and it was now dark out. Yong-Soo had run off once it was dark, giggling like a crazy fan-girl, which he is. As you thought about what he could possibly be doing, all the lights in the house went out, and you heard Mei shriek at the top of her lungs.

You recalled what Young-Soo said earlier, and made your way up the stairs to Leon's room, once you could see better. You had no idea what to expect, because you doubted Yong-Soo was in there, but you knew from the way he said things earlier that it had to be dark. You felt around the door for the door know, and slowly opened the door when you found it.

"Wh-who's there?" A shaky voice called from inside the room, which you immediately recognized as Leon's. But it was a little off... usually he sounds bored or that he doesn't really care about anything, but now he sounded... scared?

"It's me, (y/n)." You responded, confused as to why the notoriously monotonous Hong Kong sounded scared.

"Oh, good!" He sounded relieved hat it was only you and not some boogeyman or murderer. You walked in a little more and closed the door behind you. He peeked out a little from his blanket burrito. Even though it was dark, you could tell from the look in his eyes that he was scared. Was he scared of the dark?

"Leon... are you afraid of the dark?" You asked finally putting two and two together. He nodded a little and then proceeded to shrink back in his burrito, embarrassed that he was so scared of a little darkness. You vowed then and there to hurt Yong-Soo the next time you saw him, but now was not the time for that. "Do you want me to stay with you?" You asked him, now feeling really embarrassed.

"P-please... please stay w-with me..." You heard him respond, quietly. You made your way over to his bed, and sat down next to him, trying to find him in his mess of blankets. He soon looked up at you, and you both shared about a minute of eye contact. Before you could register anything he quickly moved up towards you, his lips meeting yours. You eyes widened but then proceeded to close as you leaned in to deepen the kiss, showing him you really cared. You both parted, and stared at each other some more, both blushing like mad, although it was hard to see.

"S-sorry... I just... I-I've always really liked you... you know... as more than a friend..." He said quietly, his eyes moving away from yours, ready for you to friend zone the crap out of him.

"I lie you as more than a friend too, Leon." You replied, pulling him closer to you. He relaxed a large amount and then wrapped his arms around you, too. "Happy birthday, Leon." You said, resting your forehead on his.

"Thanks." He responded, closing his eyes contently. "You've given me the best gift I've ever received.".

"I didn't give you your gift yet, though."

"I got you."

~ Extra Ending ~

You woke up to a large flash, only to see Yong-Soo smiling widely, right in your face. You shrieked and pushed his face away, sitting up in the process, waking up Leon, him sitting up too.

"I knew my plan would work, but not so well that you would sleep together, da-ze!" He laughed, holding a camera in his hands, and looking at the picture he took of you two sleeping together. You blushed madly at his statement and chased him out of the house.

Leon remained in his bed, watching as your figures went down the street. He then heard Yong-Soo's voice from down the street.


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