America x Reader (Movie Night)

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You walked out of your bathroom, with slightly damp hair, and a white tank top with (f/c) pant pajamas, expecting to get ready to go to sleep, when you checked your phone and saw that you had a new text. You opened the messages app and saw that it was from your boyfriend of about two years, Alfred. Yeah, you've been dating for two years but you didn't think moving in with him this early was the best idea. You opened the text to see what he had to say at such late a time.

Alfie boo: Hey dudette! Wanna come over and watch a movie with me? I'm really bored!

Of course he's bored, how can he not be with how much childish energy he has. Nights like this where there's nothing happening can be hard for the poor guy to handle.

Me: Ok! It might take me a while to get ready because I just got out of the shower.

Alfie boo: K! I'll get the movie and food ready!

You then closed your phone and looked at your pajamas. Should you change into better clothes. Yeah. Will you change into better clothes? No. You walked back into your bathroom, drying your hair and brushing it out. After that was done, you put on a jacket to keep you warm, with a matching pair of shoes, then proceeded to get in your car and drive the so familiar route to your boyfriend's house.

Once you got to his house, you pulled in the driveway and got out of the car, locking it, and making your way to the front door. You reached out to knock, but the door opened and you ended up knocking on his face, very awkwardly. You blushed madly at the fact that you just did something very stupid in front of your boyfriend.

"Sorry!" You apologized, hoping that he didn't take it the wrong way and think that you were trying to punch him or something.

"Hahahaha! It's fine dudette!" He laughed, causing you to release a breath you didn't know you were holding. "Come in! I made popcorn and the movie isn't gonna watch itself!".

You gladly took his invitation and walks into the warm comforts of his home and out of the cold and dark outside. Did I mention you're afraid of the dark? Yeah, you are! You waited as he closed and locked the door, and then he proceeded to take your hand and lead you to the couch opposite the TV. He sat down in the middle of the couch and he patted the spot between his legs (not sexually you dirty freaks), to invite you to sit in his lap. You gladly did, leaning back against his chest. He wrapped his arms around you and rested he chin on your head, grabbing the remote and playing the movie. You immediately recognized it as (h/m) (horror movie). Oh goodie, you thought. Not only were you afraid of the dark, but you were afraid of horror movies too.

Five minutes into the movie: Alfred's already shaking and holding you a little tighter. You are slightly scared, but not showing any emotions.

Thirty minutes into the movie: Alfred is shoving popcorn in his face, trying to distract himself from the movie as you were shaking a little and had your arms wrapped around his body as if he was a stuffed animal you would comfort yourself with when you were younger.

An hour into the movie: Alfred's face was pressed against your shoulder, and he wasn't looking at the movie anymore. You were shaking violently and held your hands above your eyes. Occasionally you peeked out from behind your hands, before immediately covering them up again.

End of the movie: You're pretty sure Alfred died and you were now not even facing the TV but instead had your face buried in his chest.

Alfred showed life, and grabbed the remote, stopping your torture, I mean, the movie and leaned back against the cushions. "Well, we survived!" He said, trying to act happy even though you could tell he was still terrified. You couldn't say anything as you nodded against his form.

"I-I guess I should get going now..." You said in a very scared way, hoping that you wouldn't get killed by a ghost in the way home.

"No! What if you get killed by a ghost on the way home!" Alfred expressed your exact thoughts and he pulled you closer to him, as if he was protecting you from a spirit that was ready to possess you.

"Do-don't be silly! Ghosts aren't real! Hahaha...."

"Y-yeah! Hahaha! They're not real...."


"Do you want to stay over here for the night?"

"Yes please!" You managed to squeak out in fear of the movie coming to life and your worst nightmares being real.

"You can use the guest room down the hall from mine!" He said, very happy that you were going to stay over at his place. Sure, you've done this before, but he was still very happy!

"Thank you..." You muttered, not moving from his grip. He then picked you up bridal style, and walked to the room that you would stay in, turning on the lamp next to the bed, and setting you there, so he could see you as he said goodnight. Did he know about your fear of he dark? No.

"Goodnight, dudette." He whispered as he kisses your forehead, and the walked out of the room, shutting the door behind him. You left the light on because of your terrible fear, and was about to drift off to sleep when lightning struck. The flash went away after a few seconds, only to reveal that the lamp was off.

"Oh please no!" You whispered to yourself, as you tried turning the lamp back on again, but to no avail. You sighed and then got out of bed, now too scared to sleep. You opened your room door, planning on walking down the hall to Alfred's room. But then you opened the door, you were met with an even darker and scarier hallway. There ain't no way you're going to walk all the way down there, so you slammed the door, running back to the bed and pulling the covered all the way over your head, shaking.


I was about ready to get in bed when I heard a door slam. Oh god... his is not good. This happening right after (y/n) and I watched a really scary horror movie. Just my luck. Oh no! (Y/n)!

I feared the worst as I immediately ran over to my room door and opened it. All I saw was the dark hall. No ghosts, demons, or robbers. That's good! I slowly walked down the hall and towards (y/n)'s room. To say I was worried was an understatement. I was scared of death! My first ever girlfriend (after centuries of being alive), might be in danger! And I loved her so much! After seeing many people die, like Davie (oh god the feels), I hate thinking that my (y/n) might end up like that sooner than she should. And when I say "when she should", I mean never. I don't want her to die ever.

I opened the door to her room, to see that the lamp was off and (y/n) was completely covered with the... well... covers. I walked over to stand by her blanketed form. As I got close I began to notice the slight shaking of the figure. She's scared... my mind processed as I crouched down by where I think her face is. "(Y/n)? What's wrong?" I asked her, hoping that she would feel comfortable enough to tell me what she was so scared of.

At my question, her shaking stopped, and she moved the covers away from her gorgeous face, and my blue eyes met her soft (e/c) ones. They held tons of fear and I felt a pang in my heart. It hurt to see her so scared. I'm the hero! I'm her hero! I gotta help my damsel in distress! I reached out a hand and placed it on her warm cheek, causing he rot lean into it, making me smile. "A-Alfred..." She managed to speak through her obvious fear. "I-I'm scared... o-of the da-dark..." She said very quietly, but I heard her perfectly.

"Would you like me to stay here with you?" I asked her, willing to do anything just to know that she is happy and not afraid anymore. She nodded as a response and moved over on the bed, giving me room to lay down, which I gladly did. I was so glad that I finally got to sleep together. We never have before. Laying down next to her in a warm and cozy bed, and her body close to mine, it felt right. I smiled and wrapped my arms around her, and she returned the favor.

"Thanks... my hero..."

And with that, we both fell asleep.

~ The End ~

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