Chapter 13

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I apologize in advance. I honestly have no clue about what to write and I'm losing all the character's traits because of all the freaking crap going on in my head. If it doesn't seem quite right, I'm sorry =(


So, I'm starting to become very frustrated. Tobias and I have been driving for what seems like hours and he's not telling me where we are going. He barely even talks when I bring it up. He will just laugh, kiss my hand, and tell e to calm down. HOW CAN I CALM DOWN!? HE KNOWS I HATE SURPRISES! And I think, because of that reason, that is why he isn't telling me. 

"Just give me one little hint," I as, begging.

"We will be going a lot of places," he says, for the 458796240145862 time. God this man frustrates me, but I love him, so I'm stuck with him. I sigh in defeat and lean back in my chair. Finally we pull up to a tree right outsde the Amit compund with a picnic set up right under it. He looks at me with a smirk and says "Keep your eyes open, or else you'll miss it." I look at him with curiosity, but I decide to stay quiet because if I ask I will just be wasting my breath.

We walk over to the picnic and Tobias, being the amazing cook he is, made peanutbutter and jelly sandwichs. I thought it woud be a bt more extravagent, since he can cook better, but it's Tobias, and I still haven't figured out what goes on in his head. We finsh our meal and make ourselves cozy up in the tree, and we just stay silent, cuddling. Times like this I will never forget. No sounds, just the wind blowing, leaves rustling, an occasional buzzing from a bee, and Tobias' heart beating. Then randomly he  asks me a question.

"Tris, I know that you are probably going to tell me I'm stupid, you love me?" 

"You're stupid." Why on earth would he even ask me that?

"Seriously, Tris. I know we say we love each other every single day, but I find that we are beginning to lose the meaning behind it." I look up at him and I smile. At least he thinks about our relationship, and doesn't lok at it like some chore. That's a plus.

"Tobias, when I say I love you, I mean it. You should never have to doubt that. Honestly, I don't know where I'd even be today if you hadn't walked into my life. I would probably be lost with only Christina with me in Dauntless. I might've even dropped out. You kept me going. Now, i don't know about you, but if that isn't love, then I don't have a clue of what it is." His smile is shinking and he leans down and kisses me as if it is the last time he will ever see me. I probably should've added that I love his kisses, maybe I'd get more of them. He pulls back and takes a pocket knife out of his pocket.

"Is this part where you kill me?" I ask, semi-laughing.

"No, we're not there yet," he says sarcastically. He turns around and starts carving in the tree. He puts himself in front of it so I can't see. When he's done he turns around and leans on it so it's still out of my sight. "You need to close your eyes." I do as I'm told and I can tell that he's moving so I can see what he carved in the tree. "Ok, open them, and look closely." I open my eyes and i see the sweetest thing Tobias has ever done. People think he's bad-ass. I know he's a soft marshmallow that can't stand it when any other guy even glances at me.

Carved into this old oak tree is a 4&6 in a heart.

I smile at Tobias. "That is so sweet," I say, almost in a whisper because I'm at a loss of words. But I'm suppose to look closely. I lean in and I take a closer look at it and then Tobias starts laughing.

"I didn't mean literally look closely. I just meant remember it, and just look for more signs throughout the day, and tell me what they mean in the end, alright?" he says, still giggling a bit. I nod my head and he hops down from the tree. I mimic him but he ends up catching me and spinning me around. I kiss his nose and he smiles. Genuinley happy.

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