Chapter 11

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I wake up, my heart and head pounding, trying to catch my breath. I look up and see a ceiling and I plastic bump on my face. I put my hand up and pull whatever was on my face off. A mask. A mask connected to oxygen. I also have an IV in my arm that I rip out. I try truning my head left and right, but I can't, my neck is weak. Then the person I'd never expect to lean over me, leans over me. Tori. Tori? She's dead, I saw her die. Then another person leans over me. Jeanine? I saw her die to!

"What's going on?" I ask, in a whisper. My voice is weak also.

"He woke up much faster than I thought," says Jeanine.

"I know, I thought he'd be the last to wake up, not the first," says Tori.

"What's going on?" I ask again, a bit louder. I can barely hear myself though, so I doubt they can hear me. But Tori does and she looks down at me again.

"What?" she asks.

"What's going on?" I repeat myself.

"You don't know what's going on?" she asks, concerened. Am I suppose to know what's going on? Last I checked these two people leaning over me were dead. Wait, I'm dead to, so that makes sense I would see dead people around me.

"Wait, I'm dead right, that's why I can see you?" I ask. Jeanine and Tori look really concerned.

"He really doesn't remember Jeanine," starts Tori. "You said there would be no side effects of the serum, that's the only reason they agreed to do this."

"Relax, it's just slight memory loss. He just thinks everything he saw was real, but once he sees reality, he should be fine." Reality? Serum? What the hell is going on?

"Someone please explain something to me!" I yell, straining my already strained voice. They look at each other before Tori speaks.

"Tobias, sit up, if you can," she says, putting her hand on my shoulder, guiding me up. Leaning up, I can tell all my muscles are really stiff, but I fight through the pain, only to know what's going on. "This may be a lot for you to take in, but I want you to turn around and look at the people behind you."

Stifley, I turn around to see Christina, Will, Caleb, and Tris at the end, all eyes closed with masks over their face. All of them are laying down on the same table I'm laying down on. But I don't care about that. Tris is there. I can see her breathing, she's alive. I jump up and start running towards her, but both Tori and Jeanine hold me back easily since I can barely move.

"Tris!" I scream. "Tris, it's me, wake up!" I scream with tears running down my cheeks. I then feel something get put over my outh and I all the sudden feel tired, and limp. Last thing I remember is trying to reach out to Tris before I black out.


When I wake up, I'm in a different room. A small room and I immediately get nervous. Straight ahead of me is Jeanine and Tori.

"I'm sorry we had to do that Tobias, but we can't risk you messing with the experiment," says Tori.

"Experiment?" I ask, confused still by everything.

"Tobias, we are going to tell you something that will be a lot to take in, so brace yourself, and no questions until we finish," says Jeanine. I nod my head and they begin.

"You, Tris, Caleb, Christina, and Will all had agreed to be apart of an experiment where we could test a fear landscape serum out on all of you to see how it effects the Divergent and the Non-Divergent, or as you may still know it as genetically pure and unpure. I knew that you and Beatrice were Divergent, and that Caleb, Will, and Christina were not. Do not be afraid, since you willingly helped, no harm will come to you or your Divergence, neither will it to Beatrice." I take a sigh of relief from that.

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