Chapter 17

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Today is the last day I get to spend with Tobias before our wedding. I can't believe this day is so close. The day where I get to marry my best friend, and the love of my life. These past couple of months have been the ultimate test for both of though.

I had a pregnancy scare.

I didn't get my...ya know...time of the month on time. I actually didn't get it for almost two weeks after I was suppose to get it, and well, the month before, we forgot protection. Thanfully it was just a false alarm. I mean, I want kids, but not right now. I'm too young (says the girl that's getting married at 18). I just don't think Tobias and I can be responsible for a child right now. I know we're financially stable, but to take on the responsibility of taking care of our own child, just would be too much stress for us right now. I know he feels that way too. At least...I hope he does. Com to think of it, he did look a bit sad when I told him it was a false alarm.

But, that happened months ago! He's back to the insane guy I sadly fell for.

We joke with each other all the time that we couldn't help but fall for each other. That if we could chose somone else, we 100% would be. Then he ends up kissing me, and we just kind of pour our hearts out to each other on how lucky we were to  find each other. Those conversations get pretty deep, but I noticed Tobias never says the same thing twice when he describes why he loves me. It's always something new, and that lets me know that he really is in love with me.

Back on track to what I was thinking about earlier, today is the last day we can spend together. After today, Tobias is going to Will and Christina's house and spends the night over there while Christina comes over here and she spends the night here with me. We had to do the stupid "Bride and groom can't see each other 24 hours before the wedding- bad luck bussiness" to make Will and Christina happy. Oh well, it's only one night, and then the next time I see Tobias will be moments before I become Mrs. Eaton. Ah, the name gives me the chills and butterflies in my stomach. Tris Eaton. It has a ring to it.

THAT REMINDS ME! Christina is now Mrs. Galloway! Will and her's wedding was so beautiful. They both cried when they said they're vows, and I even cried a little to, but it was hard to wipe my eyes since I had to hold my bouquet and her bouquet. After the ceremony, Tobias walked me back down the isle, since we were apart of the bridal party, and when we got back to our apartment, since we had time to waist before the reception, Tobias wiped away tears I didn't know I had. Before I had time to react he kissed me then held me close and whispered in my ear "Soon, that'll be you and I up there, saying how much we love each other, exchanging rings, and sealing it all of with our first kiss as a married couple, and I can't wait." I didn't even hesitate to kiss him after that. Nothing happened, but we were late to the reception.

Now it's my turn. My turn to stand up there and convince my love for Tobias. It'll be the best day of my life, I can tell you that much. I just wish I knew where I will become Mrs. Eaton, but Tobias won't spill. He knows I hate surprises...

I turn over in bed so I'm facing Tobias. I was staring out the window, but now the sun is coming up and it's blinding me. I poke his nose and he stirs, but quickly falls back asleep. I keep poking his nose until he lifts up his hand and stops my hand from pokng his nose again.

"I don't ever remember you being this annoying in the morning," he says, tiredly. He opens his eyes and turns his body so he's looking at me. "What time is it?"

"About eight, but I've been up since 7," I say.

"You always wake up so early. Why do you have to wake me up to?" he complains.

"Because I get bored." I say bluntly.

"Well you're lucky I love you," he says, shifting closer and ultimately kissing my nose.

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