Chapter 15

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Usually, guys just kind of go with the flow when it comes to wedding planning, and basically just show up at the right place at the right time while the girl does all the planning. Then there's Tobias. He's more worried about finding the right venue than I am about even finidng my dress. Everyday he asks me if I've found one, everyday I say no, then I get lectured on how I need to hurry up before the wedding comes.

Alright, we haven't even picked a wedding date, so how can I be on a time limit?

Tobias has been so worried about where we are going to get married, but isn't even close to worried about what day we will get married. And that's the only thing I'm worried about. Yes, that means I don't give two craps about what I'm going to wear. I don't wear dresses, I wear skinny jeans and fitted tees. Nobody, not even Christina can get me into a dress again. They're too uncomfortable. But guess what?

Christina is taking me dress shopping today. I'm only going for her sake though, I'm not buying anything.

Right now though, I'm laying down in bed, in a cocoon of blankets, in Tobias's hoodie, tangled in Tobias's arms. What? I got cold last night.....actually I'm baking right now and I can't move because Tobias is clutching onto me for dear life, and I don't want to wake him. Well I do want to wake him, but I don't at the same time because then I get an excuse not to go dress shopping.

"You know, it's really creepy that you stare at me every morning," says Tobias, suddenly. He shifts into a more comfortable position, no loosening his grip on me, and opening his eyes.

"I'm sure you'd do the same if you woke up earleir," I say. He leans over and looks at his clock.

"It's only eight in the morning! What time do you wake up?!"

"Calm yourself, I've only been up for like ten minutes." 

"Well sleep later," he says sarcastically. "When you wake up, you staring at me wakes me up and 8 AM is too early for me, especially on weekends." He yawns and closes his eyes again, but I just lean down and I peck his lips, that wakes him up again. "Well you just woke me up again, and that's very rude. So to make it up you have to stay here with me all morning without resisting my kisses." he leans in and gives me one of those kisses that makes a shiver run up and down my spine. I wont mind doing this all morning, because that means no dress shopping!

Then our door slams open, scaring the skins off of both of us. We look over to see Christina and Will walking over to us.

"Get out of bed lazy butts!" says Will. They both pull back our sheets and pull us by our legs onto the floor.

"How'd you guys even get in here?!" I exclaim.

"Ever heard of picking a lock?" asks Christina, as if it was a stupid question. "You and me are going dress shopping and we aren't leaving until you pick a dress." I should've guessed that she'd say that. She probably has made sure that the store stays open until I pick one, even if that means all night.

"Tobias," says Will. "You and I are going tux shopping. Both of you be ready in ten minutes or else we will barge in again." Then they both walk out, most likely eating everything in our fridge and making themselves comfortable in our living room. Tobias gets up and shuts the door.

"Don't we just have to best of friends?" he asks. I laugh and he comes over and wraps his arms around my waist. He kisses my temple and doesn't move, until he just randomly says something. "When do you want to get married?" I pull back and I just look at him. "Seriously though, you're getting your dress today, and I'm getting my tux, but we don't even have a wedding date planned. When do you want to get married?"

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