Chapter 14

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He gets down on one knee ad grabs my hand since the other is now busy getting something out of his pocket, a box. He opens it and in it is the first piece of jewlery I've ever seen that's not pierced on a body.

"So, Tris, will you marry me?" he asks again.

"Yes," I say, almost in a whisper. "Yes," I say a bit louder. "Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!" I say, almost yelling now.

"Really?" he asks, very shocked while slipping the ring on my finger.

"I've never been more sure about anything in my entire life. I love you." He wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me close, and kissed me. I'm engaged to Tobias. Engaged. Never in a million years did I think I would be engaged to this once intimidating instructor that everybody was afraid of. Heck, I honestly thought that I was going to die being never loved. Then came Tobias, the one man on this planet that loves me, and I'm so lucky that it's him. I've fallen for him ten times over. Everytime I see this man, I get nervous because I love hi so much, but then I remember that he's mine, and then I get a rush of happiness. I CAN'T BELIEVE HE THOUGHT I'D SAY NO!

I pull back and he looks at me. "Beatrice Prior, I've never loved anybdy as much as I love you," he says. I laugh a little.

"Beatrice didn't work back then, and it's not working now. Beatrice to me, is like Four to you. I don't like being called that by you."

"I thought I'd give it another try." We laugh a little and then we just look at eachother.

"Why were you so shocked when I said 'yes'?" He lets out a breath.

"Well I almost didn't propose, that's why I brought you on an adventure today. You accepting the fact that I carved our initials in the tree, something that will be there forever, and legitimatley saying you love me. Also the fact that you accepted something that has so much meaning for me. Not knowing what was going to happen, and doing all of that made me really know that you love me. But then i always had the doubt that you'd say no, so that's why I almost didn't propse." I start running my fingers through his hair and I kiss him gently.

"Is that why you told me to keep my eyes open? To see if I caught the hint that you were going to propose?" He nods his head. "Well I was clueless, but I like the surprise. It's the best surprise anyone has ever done for me." He smiles and leans into kiss me when all the sudden theres a jerk and Tobias is on top of me, alost headbutting me. We laugh.

"Well I think the ferris wheel stopped," says Tobias. He leans up, helping me up to. I look over the edge to see how far we have to go, and, what do ya know, we're at the peak. I look at Tobias' face and he does not look happy.

"We have to climb down, Tobias. It's the only way," I say. I go over to him and pull him into a hug, resting my head on his shoulder. Slowly he wraps his arms around my waist.

"I already faced my fear of you saying no," he whispers in my ear. "I think facing one fear is enough for one night." I pull back and look at him.

"What do you want to do then? Spend the night up here?" He looks at me, expecting me to agree. i shake my head.

"We'll freeze."

"I'll keep you warm," he says, pulling me closer.

"Tobias," I say, aggrivated. He sighs and lets go of me, throwing his leg over the side and starts climbing down.

"I'm just going to do this fast, I'll see you at the bottom." Then he disappears. I wait a while before I begin to climb down myself. He's already half way down. He's on a mission. After a while, I get on the ground and I walk over to Tobias, whose hands are shaking. I grab them, and they're both sweaty, but I still hold on because I can tell he's very stressed.

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