Ancient Illusions

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Edith woke up with her head bandaged but didn't feel the familiar stinging pain she was getting used to. She was laying on one of the benches in the great hall of the king. Tyler, Simone Morn and Lance were there too, still sleeping. Nyam was the only one awake sitting in-front of the king on his throne. The room was empty but for them. Edith nudged Tyler who was beside her. He drooled on the wood table but woke from Edith's shakes. He looked around startled. Edith started waking the others. Morn opened his eyes slightly.

"How are you feeling?" Edith asked.

"Alright" Morn said, surprising even himself.

Simone woke Lance who jumped. All of their things were beside them in a little pile. Edith organized her things and took her weapons. Nyam turned to them and so did the king. He sat in the same position and same expression he had when he was sleeping. Beside him the two other ancient figures were as motionless as ever.

"You slept for most of the night" The king said.

"Night?" Lance asked. "How long were we out?"

"half a day" Nyam said.

"I hope you all are feeling more, well rested, I thought you'd find it more comfortable in his hall." The king said. "I find it's more dangerous in the outer parts of the castle. Its too close to the light"

Lance didn't know who in their right mind would find a cold table and benches more comfortable than a bed but he suspected it wasn't for their enjoyment they were carried to the hall. Lance took in the ancient man infront of him and even from a distance he could make out his great features. The energy of power around him stifled any king Lance had ever met. And Lance had met all of them. They were all starting to realize just how the king got his nick name.

"Forgive me, I have not properly introduced myself" The king said.

He stood up, his great capes and robes rustling with his movement. The cloth that draped his figure looked heavy but he stood like they were mere feathers.

"I am king Shaji. He pointed to his left to the withered old man, "this is my son Khari", and this is my wife "Jin"

The others looked on speechless.

"Nyam tells me you have traveled far to see me. I admire you're persistence for no one has seen my home for many years." The king continued.

"Thank you you're highness for housing us and treating our wounds" Lance said. "We have traveled far and have yet to see such kindness"

The king smiled, lighting up his features making his face sinister.

"My kindness is known by my people, they know of my generosity. In my kingdom loyalty is rewarded with life!" The kings eyes turned a fierce blue and a loud cackle of laughter erupted through the hall echoing off the stone and wood. It set them all on edge.

"Forgive me that I cannot bow before you're majesty." Lance said a little softer.

"No matter" king Shaji said. The blue leaving his eyes. "I wanted to introduce you to my family"

The king walked over a few steps to the old man on his left. The knuckles in his hand was still white from whatever he clutched. He pointed with his other hand to the man.

"This is my son, khari" He said.

He walked the other direction to the chair with the women.

"And this is my wife, Jin"

The others looked on in silence. He introduced them for a second time. There was something in the way he said their names the second time that sent a shiver through Lance. He sensed it in the other's too. He wasn't sure if the king had meant to introduce them again or was simply putting emphasis on them. He seemed undisturbed by their creepy, motionless features. It wasn't pride or happiness in his tone but a kind of anger. His voice was accusing and his eyes livid but his face was almost pleased.

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