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Hey Guys! As a simple introduction, I'm CLF (CriminalsLoveFiction), 18 years old and live in Colorful Colorado.

This story will be updated once or twice a week depending on how much time I have Most likely I will be releasing a story and it's paired Lemon(Smut) every week.

I love the Red Vs. Blue Rooster Teeth series, I've been watching them for a long time and if I, for some reason, can't remember something or get a detail wrong please inbox me or comment and I'll fix my mistake as soon as I have the ability. 

I'm not biased in any area of Fanfiction, so if you have a request please inbox me. Don't be afraid, it may take me a while depending on what's going on. 

One more thing! If you ever need to talk, anything is going on in life whether it be good or bad, please feel free to message me! Like I said earlier, I'm not biased and love to hear from people in their times of trouble. 


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