(1) Grif x Reader (M/F)

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Sorry for the late chapter I hit a writer's block

Anyways! I'm taking requests! Just comment what you want!

-This chapter takes place back in Blood Gulch


"Alright Donut! You did great! Now can you go get Grif so I can start him on his cooking lesson?"

It had been a few weeks since you came to the red base. You were hired by the UNSC as a civilian teacher to help teach soldiers basic cooking skills for in the kitchens at their base or survivalist cooking for when in combat so they know what they can and can't eat. There was only one person who knew how to cook here and one person who would eat anything edible.

You took a liking to Grif, I mean yes he can be an asshole, but hey, he was actually pretty smart and a realist. Well unless it came to food.

"Of course (L/N)! Be back in a jiffy!" Well that went well, I should put these homemade chips away before Grif gets here.

"Hey (Y/N), what did ya need?" Wow, I had never seen him out of uniform before, his skin was tanned, slight discoloration in certain areas as if they weren't his own. His hair was messy and black with lazy green eyes.

"Hello? Earth to (Y/N)?" Shit you were staring.

"O-oh, haha sorry. I've just never seen you out of uniform..." He smiled a bit as I started to blush.

"Anyways!" I said in my normally cheery tone, " let's start your first cooking lesson!" His laziness seemed to disappear and he look excited. It made me smile.

"Holy shit! We actually get to make real food for once!? Fuck yeah, let's get to it!" You let a smirk creep onto your face knowing this would probably go well and that he would probably end up eating all of it.

----Le Time Skip---

"Now, would you like to make the finishing touch Griff?" We decided on making peasant potatoes, all that was left was to sprinkle some fresh dill that I had brought.

"Sure!" He held his hand out to me, I wrapped one hand around the bottom of his, at which he gave me a quick glance before looking away with a blush, and I slightly poured some into his hand.

We both took a bit and I saw his eyes light up in happiness, "Oh my god, this is amazing! How did you learn to make something to amazing?!" he suddenly put down his bowl and picked me up by the waist, " You're so amazing!" He put me back down on the ground, but kept his large hands around my waist. In the next moment he turned beet red, realizing what he had just done.

"(L/N) I'm so sorry..." He put his hands back to his sides and looked down, as he turned to go back to his bowl I grabbed the collar of his orange hoodie and connected his lips to mine. His moved with mine in sync only seconds after. One of his hands returned to my waist and the other cupping my cheek.

We took a moment to pull apart, "You know Grif, I think you could use more lessons..."

"As long as you're the one teaching me..."

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