(1) Church x Reader (M/F)

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A/N :

Takes place before Red vs. Blue starts

This is when Caboose isn't there yet, it's just you, Flowers, Tucker and church at Blue base.

Who else is gonna be at RTX this year?!?!?


---Your P.O.V.---

It was a hot day in the Gulch, just like yesterday, and the day before and so on. I decided that since it was everyone's day off I would go to the cliff and look over the canyon all day.Wearing my (F/C) shirt that was tied together on the sides with black shorts and no shoes I brought my sketchbook, ipod and a few beers that I had stowed away.

I put on by Jordan Smith, cracked open a beer and took out my sketchbook. I started to smiled as he started to sing and took a sip of beer, then I let my emotions become a picture. A picture of the place I had spent the last 2 years. A place where Agent Florida and I, or now he goes by Captain Flowers, had truly become friends after being in the project for so long. I was a designer for defensive armor products and I was chosen because I could give better detailed reports then Flowers and protect the Alpha.

"...Ha..." I stopped drawing and laughed as I could feel a smile forming on my face. Realizing that this is the place I had fallen in love...With the Alpha. I mean hey, at least this means I was going to protect him even more fiercely. It was funny though, he may be a copy of the director, but he was so different. Sure they shared the trait of being assholes who seem to only care about themselves...but Church, the Church you knew. He would always say his mind and try not to keep secrets, he may seem like he hates everyone, but he always protects us and makes us laugh. He may be a shit shot, but he's at least not a complete shithead.

I snapped out of it and drink some more beer while you continue drawing. I started to talk to myself after your playlist ended, wanting to hear my thoughts.

"Damn...this place really has changed me. First, I become friends with Flowers of all people..." I finish up my drawing and admire it.

"Then I start drawing landscapes and people instead of armor designs..." I start flipping through the pages at the faces you had drawn of your teammates, stopping at one of church i his body. I have to admit, they gave him a pretty good one.

It was a picture of him when he was sleeping on the couch, I had come to say goodnight after his shift and found him sound asleep. I sat on a chair opposite and drew him while he was in a beautiful state of bliss before covering him with a blanket.

As I stared at the picture I decided to start to talk again, "...and I sure as hell can't believe that I fell in love with a man who couldn't even shoot a tank with that rifle if I gave him 5,000 rounds of ammunition..."

I started to drink again as I hear a scoff behind me. I guess I was getting to relaxed since I didn't even notice him come up. I put down my beer and lay down, then turn my head to look at Church standing there, wearing a Blue t-shirt with long white shorts and no shoes either, as well as a look of offense and confusion.

I burst out laughing, rolling on my side a little, not able to contain the pricelessness of his face. God damnit he was adorable sometimes. I tensed as I realised something. If he heard the comment about the tank and that was the offense in his eyes...did he hear everything else and was that the confusion.

I bolted upward and turned around to see Church an inch away, staring at me intensely. I can feel the heat in my face rise, I snuck around him and try to change the subject.

"So! W-want a beer?" I go grab one and open it up before turning around and handing it to him. He took it, all the while his gaze not leaving mine. He took a long sip, as if it was liquid courage, before setting it on the ground and walking up to me.

"(Y/N)...who were you talking about exactly?...The person you love who couldn't shoot for shit?" I saw a want and hope in his eyes as he stared at me. Hie was only an inch away from me. As I stared at his eyes I couldn't help but take a quick glance at his lips. He was biting them slightly, giving me the only reassurance I needed.

I slowly put one hand on his cheek and the other on shoulder as I closed the gap between us by pressing my lips against his soft ones. After about two seconds of shock he started to kiss back. Putting both hands on my hips and pulling me closer.

We pulled away for a moment and rested our foreheads against the other. "So I'm taking that as it's me that you like?" A small laugh escaped your lips, "No, I'm in love with fucking Tucker, that's why I just kissed you." You voice laced with sarcasm. Church just laughed as he sat on the ground and I took my place next to him, laying my head on his shoulder, "You know...I was actually a little surprised that you kissed me back..."

He sat up a bit and moved his fingers to my chin, pulling my face to look at his. "(Y/N), I've been waiting for a long time to do that...Ever since I came to this canyon, you always put me first...I guess I grew to like coming first to someone...especially someone as kind, smart, funny and stunning as you. I love you (Y/N)..."

I was shocked for a moment. He really was his own person, he was the man I loved. "I love you too Church, and you will always come first to me." We both grinned wide as we gently reconnected our lips. Slowly deepening into each others passion. As that happened we both heard the snap of a camera and stopped dead in our tracks, looking to it's source.

"Look who's getting it on, Bow Chicka Bow Wo-OW" Tucker barely had a chance to finish as Church tackled him to the ground grabbing the camera. He was about to throw it over the cliff before I quickly caught his arm. He turned to look at me, a look of confusion on his face.

"Church...This is a good memory. Maybe we should keep it?" A smile creeped onto you face as his expression softened. "Ha...Yea maybe you're right. Memory is the key...and just so you know I'm a great fucking shot."

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