(1) South x Reader (M/F)

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A/N :

Takes place on the M.O.I. After North and South's first mission

Your agent name is going to be Agent Nebraska


"Hey Nebraska! Can you hold up for a minute?" You heard a voice call out to you as you start walking toward the locker rooms, it was North. I didn't know he was back from the mission yet.

"What's up North? How'd the mission go?" Honestly, all I cared about was that South was okay, but I don't want to ask immediately and come off as desperate.

"I'm alright, mission got completed...can't say the same for South though," I felt my eyes go wide in concern, " Wait, wait wait! Is South okay?! Is she hurt?!" Okay, maybe that sounded a little desperate, but if she's hurt I need to know.

I knew she was fine when a smug grin grew across his face, "She's just angry that she went down on the board. I wanted to see if you could talk to her? You may not know this, but her mood always improves after talking to you."

I can feel the heat in my cheeks rising, and North just gave me a small wink of approval. Goddamn It, why wasn't I wearing my armor?

On cue South rounds the corner, Her bright blonde hair in a ponytail and a tint of red on her face to represent her anger. I look over at North who is already running the other way, giving me a small wave and mouthing 'good luck'.

As I turn around I can hear her mumbling an angry rant about Carolina, "You know if you don't pay attention she may hear you." I said in a cheeky voice. Her head whips upward in anger, I took a step back.

"Uh, a-are you gonna be alright? I mean I can, uh, see that you aren't now...but are you-u, ya know, gonna be okay?" My voice was a little shaky since she wouldn't stop staring at me like she just caught me in bed with Carolina.

"Are you really fucking asking me that question you asshole?! My brother and I just completed a mission and I was the one who got shit on for doing my goddamn part! So no dumbass, I'm not going to be 'okay' I'm going to be fucking great and show everyone that I can be just as good as the directors pet bitch!" At this point she was screaming and we were the only ones in the hall, she had slowly gotten closer until I could feel her rage radiating off her body.

"H-hey South... Just, uhm *gulp* just please calm down...I wasn't trying to-"

"You weren't trying to do shit like usual. You never do shit, you sit in the corner and be a good little (Preferred Gender). You are a spineless sack of shit." At this point I could feel my own rage boiling over. This woman that I learned to love didn't even care that I was trying to be there for her. She didn't care about me when talking shit, she didn't care if she wasn't angry at me, she did however direct all her anger at me like it was fucking nothing. Like I was nothing.

"And another thing Nedr-"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Now she was the one taken aback by my anger.

"Are you fucking kidding me?! All I was fucking doing was trying to help you! I'm sorry if I ACTUALLY care about you and that I love you enough to see if you are okay! God! You know what? Just fuck off until you aren't feeling sorry for yourself and ready to work toward what you want to be."

As I start to walk away I feel a hand catch my arm and I whip my head around to see South standing there in shock. She slowly starts to pull her hand away like she didn't know why she grabbed onto me.

I stare at her and wait for an answer.

"...You love me? H-how" For a moment my eyes went wide. One : South had never stuttered before. She was always either really confident or really angry. Two: Why did she sound so surprised that I loved her? I thought everyone knew?

"Well...yea, of course I do. I mean, you are the most beautiful woman I've ever known. You are amazingly strong, not just in combat either, your will to survive and succeed are unmatched. Not even by Carolina. Whenever you get angry, you turn his cute shade of red and your voice gets a sexy growl to it...I guess I'm just the dumbass that loves everything about you..." She took a moment to take it all in before a genuine smile lay itself upon her face.

She hit my shoulder, "That was the cheesiest bullshit that's ever happened to me." The next thing I know her hands are wrapped around my shoulders. I just smile and pull her in closer to me by the hips.

"Maybe we could do this more often..."



I did not forget to write who the last line belonged to. That's the part you get to control :)

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