(1)Washington x Freelance (F) Reader

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Back on the Mother of Invention (M.O.I.)

SPOILERS : If anyone saw the Washolina RVB episode...please give me your opinion. Personally I don't ship it , but I wanna see who does and doesn't!


---Third Person P.O.V.---

All the freelancers were currently in the rec room (Except Tex). Having a break after a harsh day of training.

"All Agents report to mission debriefing immediately" FILLIS's voice range throughout the ship. You could hear everyone except Carolina groan.

---Your P.O.V.---

"They better be as good as we both think." I said in a teasing tone toward the director. He just gave me an annoyed look, I was the Shadowed Agent Colorado of project freelancer. I never interacted with the others, just watched, observed and studied them. Now was the time we meet, I wanted to test their skills... and maybe to see the person I love once again.

I leaned against the wall as the Alpha talked with the director. After he logged of, all of them walked through the door, one by one giving me strange glances.

"Well now, isn't it Colorful Colorado!" Washington said in surprise. I slowly push myself off the wall and pull him in for a hug.

"Haha hey Wash, long time no see," I said as I took off my helmet, letting my (H/C) shine in the light. I gave him a wink before continuing, " You don't think I could stay away do you? I mean, you'll probably die without me babe."

I could feel everyone in the room freeze, Washington took off his helmet revealing a large blush across him pale face. A smile spreading across his features.

I grab his chin to look at me, giving him a smirk before gentle kissing his soft lips. As he comes out of shock and starts to kiss back a let him go and smile.

"Didn't know you were so eager to see me again? Well, we'll just have to wait till after the mission to... catch up." I let go of his face and face the others with an evil smirk on my face. The others staring in shock at the fact that Wash actually has a personal life.

As I'm walking back to the virtual map to explain the mission I give a quick slap to his ass and his face becomes more red then I've ever seen...

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