(1) Locus x (M/F) Reader

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A/N :

Before they became Mercs/UNSC Soldiers

After Lanzo Kidnapping

Sorry this one is short! I've been busy with several trips!


---Locus P.O.V.---

"I don't know what to do what to do Siris. He's becoming more aggressive."

I had recently observed Felix becoming increasingly more violent than before. His annoying and narcissistic personality had grown more sadistic and eratic somehow. I just couldn't get a hand on it.

"Sam. You ju-"

"Locus." I interrupted him, we shouldn't use our real names.

"I'm going to call you Sam because we aren't on a damn mission, now look. You need to get out and try not worrying about Felix. You could try going on a date maybe? I mean I know you aren't that social, but you should try."

I could feel myself grimace at his suggestion before earning a glare from him. He knew how I felt about dating, I was fine on my own and I don't want to start relations with anyone because in our line of work they could get hurt. I thought that Lozano's father had made that clear to him.

"Just this once, I bet Megan (Siris/Masons wife) has a friend that would be willing to put up with you for a night." We both chuckled.

"I guess I could this once, only because I need to get my mind off of Felix so I can come back and look at this more clearly...Thanks Mason." I small smile appeared on his face, he was my true friend is this world full of shit. Let's hope his wife doesn't pick someone incompetent and impulsive like Felix.

---Your P.O.V.---

"Fucking hell Megan, I'm fine, I prefer to work over have a relationship." Here we go again, I was a International Business Advisor for the UNSC. I loved you work, so in turn I spent a lot of time at the office with not much time for making friends. Me and Megan had known each other for a while, she would always tell me to get out there because I might miss Mr. Right. This was the first time though that she actually had someone to set me up with. "Tell you what Meg, as long as he's not a belligerent, uneducated and arrogant asshole then sure."

She squealed so loud on the other line I had to hold the phone away from my face for a moment. I just laughed at her over excitement, "Oh you are going to love him (Y/N)! He's one of Mason's friends, and super polite and kind. Though a little curt, but good overall."

"Alright, what's the plan?"

"Well, we thought that could all have a late night picnic/bonfire by the beach. What do you think?"

I didn't love sand much, but I knew she had already had it all planned out and didn't want to be that asshole. "Sounds great! I'll drive over and meet you all there, just text me all the details when you have them all."

I hung up before she could go on again about it. Love her to death, but she better be right about this guy. I haven't been on a date in a long time and don't want to make a fool of myself in front of someone who will berate me about it all night...who knows though...maybe this could work out...

---Le Time Skip---

I parked at the beach and sat in my car for a moment. Taking in a breath, Megan hadn't stopped talking about how well she thought this would go and actually got you excited for this shit.

As I walked up to the beach I saw three people around an already burning fire. On one side, Mason and Megan who waved me over. One the other a tall, muscular and extremely attractive man.

He slowly got up from a blanket that he was sitting on alone, and stretched out his hand with a stern look on his face. "Hello, you must be (Y/N), it's a pleasure to meet you." I gave him a small smile, trying to maybe make him a little more comfortable before taking his hand in my own, "You would be correct, you must be Sam. I am hoping that it will be a pleasure to meet you." I smile danced on the end of his lips as he heard your voice for the first time.

YI sat down next to him and stole a quick glance at Meg who was holding up her thumbs before returning to Mason's chest where she lay.

I just snickered at them and looked at Sam who was looking at them aswell and rolling his eyes.

"Haha, first double date and the little jerks are already ignoring us." He gave a low laugh and turned to face you, he beautiful dark skin shining with the fire's light.

"Well, uhh, I guess that gives us more time together...So what do you do?" I was unsure if I wanted to tell him for a moment, most men thought my job could sometimes be intimidating or that they would have to put in too much work to see me since I had a very demanding position.

I just decided to tell him, I mean might as well see if he's an asshole about it now rather than later.

"I'm an International Business Advisor for the UNSC. I'm a freelancer worker who was hired by them about 4 years ago." I was surprised to find a smile on his lips as an answer, "What about you? I heard that you work with Mason"

"Yes, we work on detaining men and women who are out of reach from traditional police organizations. We make sure they get locked away for the heinous crimes they commit." I have to admit that was actually quite admirable. Not many people have the guts to do that.

"Do you have a specialty of some kind? Like with any weaponry or tactics? You know all that jazz."

"Well I work well with a shotgun and I do extremely well with not killing idiotic partners who ignore everything I say." I light giggle escaped my mouth and I could see his expression visibly soften.

We spent the whole night talking about what we did, what we had been though and all the tough shit you normally wouldn't say when meeting someone, but with him it was easy. He wasn't faced by some of the things that I had to deal with and why I would do what I had to do and of course I were the same with him. I understood him better than what I would assume is better than most people. He was a good guy, just lost in being loyal to a cause without a name.

As the night went on I realised that we had slowly begun moving closer to each other. We were both laying on our sides, propped up by our elbows and staring into the other's eyes that were only an inch away.

"(Y/N)... You look amazing. If it's okay with you... could I kiss you." I could feel my cheeks taint themselves bright pink at his words, my heart started to beat faster after fully processing what he just said.

"O-of course you may Sam."

He slowly leant in and attached his lips to mine, slowly leaning in closer as I kissed him back. He put his free hand on my side and pulled my closer to him.

We broke apart for a moment and stared, "You know, I didn't come here to fall for someone...I guess I just got lucky because you are so much more lovely than I had anticipated." I couldn't help but place a soft kiss on his lips and putting on hand on his cheek, "I guess we both got lucky because you're an amazing man who I don't want to let go of. Not for a long time."

A gentle smile appeared on his face.

"Well fuck me. This actually worked. Good job Meg." We both turned to see Mason and Megan standing above us, both wearing confident grins.

I just smiled and buried my head in Sam's chest... I wonder what will happen next?

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