(1)North x Freelancer Reader (M/F)

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"FILIS AGAIN" I yelled. I've been running this training program for two hours. I just got back after being injured and need to regain my strength.


After finishing the last round I took a minute to take off my helmet and breath.

"Okay, I got this. The injury didn't slow me down. I got th-" I was interrupted by the sound of muffled laughter behind me.

I turned around to see Agent North with a smug smile.

"Haha, Alaska I think you've done enough for today. You need some rest." His voice transitioned from entertained to gentle. I could feel my face flush with embarrassment.

"Oh, u-uh yea. Sorry were you going to use the training room?" God I'm an asshole, other people probably use the training room at this time.

North again grew his kind and gentle smile, "No, I heard you were back and wanted to make sure you didn't hurt yourself. You may still look cute after that accident, but that may change if you hurt yourself again."

W-wait what. Did he just?...

"North... are you okay?... I mean that's really sweet of you..." I mean, yea I have a crush on North, but he isn't supposed to...fucking South. I tell her one damn thing...

"I'm a lot better knowing that you're back and still going strong." This time he went a little red and I had to take advantage of it.

"Well, you know I couldn't leave a hot bachelor waiting." His face turned an even deeper shade of red. It was a good look on him, damnit. This man is adorable no matter what. Maybe I should tell him?...or...

As i'm contemplating the situation North gets closer and lifts my chin so I'm looking straight into his crystal blue eyes.

"This isn't a joke, I know it may seem odd after all this time that you've been away...but now that you're back I'm not gonna hold anything back. I like you Alaska, and we work in a dangerous industry where we don't know if we're coming back after every mission. I'm not going to waste anymore time, I'm going to be honest...And trust me South telling me you liked me back may have given me a little extra push..."

As he looks at me with intent I have trouble saying anything, "I-I... You are too amazing North... I guess telling your sister what I felt about you was one of the best actions I've ever taken."

I feel a stupid smile forming and catch my breath, we both start to close our eyes, and as North moves his lips closer to mine... of course the training room doors open.

"Shit! I thought you'd be fucking by now, not here anymore." Before we both even open our eyes again we know who it is.

"You know I love you, but your timing isn't great..." North looks at his sister and Carolina before turning red and rubbing his neck in embarrassment.

"Haha, h-hey, ya know... we could, uh, go back to my room and talk?" I say to him in hopes South or Carolina won't make a comment and fuck this up.

"I , uh, I mean y-yea. We probably should talk this out more." He said to me and flashed a quick smile before looking down again.

As we're walking out... " Make sure to use protection!"


Once we return to my room we both sit down on the end of the bed and just look down at our hands. We almost kissed, almost.


"Yea?" His head turned to me with a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

"I really like you... I just, I'm sorry I'm not really great at expressing myself. I always talk too much or do something stupid. I guess I just-"

The next thing I know his lips are pressed against mine. They were soft and gentle as I slowly kissed him back. We pulled apart and just stared at each other. We both smiled and leaned in for another sweet kiss.



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I hope you enjoyed my first story!

Image Credit: LongSean22 Devianart


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