(1)Tucker x Mercenary Reader (M/F)

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A/N :

This is after the war on Chorus

Before Season 15


"Hey baby, are you into astronomy because you can use my telescope any day."

"Who the fuck are you?" You asked, it was your first day back on chorus after being away for about 3 years on a secret mission. Kimble was an old friend and had called you asking to help get everything back in order after the war.

"Sweetheart I'm Doctor F-OW" The one in the teal armour was now on the ground after a familiar outline had arrived and punched his stomach before he could finish his sentence.

"This is Lavernius Tucker. It's good to see you again (L/N)" Kimble walked over and gave you a hug, happy to see someone she knew could help.

"I have to go and take care of some trouble at the armoury, Tucker will be showing you around." She then leaned closer to your ear and whispered, "He can be an idiot so please, don't kill him."

After she released and you gave a quick glance to the soldier who was puffing out his chest staring at you.

You turned back to Kimble and gave a small chuckle, "I'm sure that if I can handle Felix, I can handle...him." Of course she gave you the 'I know how you handled him look' and you just laughed in return.

"Hey he may have been a complete asshole, but at least it's over now. I'm sorry about it all."

"It's okay, neither of us knew, now, I'll meet with you again tomorrow to discuss your new position." With a curt nod she took her leave.

"Can I be a part of your new position? Bow Chika Bow Wow" You turned and saw tucker with his helmet off, he gave you a small wink.

"Well, now that depends on what your best position is" You respond, knowing he expected you to punch him, not play along.

His face grew slightly pink as you started walking away from him, "Come on Lavernius. You need to show me around." You turned and winked at him, his face grew even more red as he quickly replaced his helmet back on his head and ran ahead of you to start explaining where everything was.

-Le Magical Timeskip-

It had been about two weeks since you started helping get Kimble and her people in shape. They all were alright, though one in particular caught your attention. Tucker, many saw him as a pervert, but in all honestly he just opens sexuality up more than others. You didn't find it weird at all, you actually kind of started to like the dork.

"Grif! Get off your ass!" You yelled at the Orange soldier who looked at you got up as quick as you'd ever seen, "3 Laps. Now." He sure as hell ran fast, as you watched him you hadn't noticed someone come up behind you. He slinked his arms quickly around your waist.

"Hello Beau-" His words stopped as your elbow connected with his helmet.

You turned to see the Teal soldier lying on the ground, unconscious. You lightly lifted him up bridal style, not hard since you always trained hard, and carried him back to your room. You lay him on the bed and take off all his armour.

After you got an ice pack and placed it on his head you sat in a chair next to the bed. After about 2 hours he wakes up and sees you.

"Did I just die and go to heaven?" You laughed at his stupid line. Of course he wouldn't stop even after you socked him.

"Wow, still at it after I knocked you out?" You couldn't help but admire his persistence. I mean yea it was annoying at time, but never the less he he came up with a few pretty damn good lines.

"Hey, your a knock out..." His face became serious for a moment "... and I'll never stop chasing after you." He said with a stern look on his face, You simply smiled in return and took his hand in yours. His eyes went wide in amazement before looking back up at you.

You lifted your free hand to rest on his cheek and looked the man you had started to have feelings for in the eyes. He seemed unsure of what was going on.

"Then I guess I should stop running." You said softly before gently kissing him, it took a moment but when he realised what was happening he returned your kiss. After a while you pulled back to breath as you both stared into each other's eyes.

"(L/N), I-i just need to say...That I, uh, I may like you as more than a friend..." You smiled and raised your brow at his words.

"...Well then, I hope you mean as more than lovers too Lavernius, because I may want more out of this then fucking." A wide grin started to show on his face as he softly kissed you. Raising one hand to comb through your soft hair.

"I think that can be arranged baby."

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